So, I realized that I was going about this all willy-nilly, that I had no plan. I considered several options and finally settled on this weekly outline. I reserve the right to change my mind (I am female after all) but I'm going to give this a try.
Musical Monday
On Mondays I will put my music library on random and what ever song comes up first is it! I can chose to base my Leap on the title, lyrics or both.
Tag Tuesday
A set time to work on or share the Tag that Cat and I are working on. That's a picture of my character, Joanna Capall.
Character Prompt Wednesday
I like Character a Day prompts so ... I'll do a character a week.
Anything Can Happen Thursday
Inspired by the awesomeness that is Sheldon Cooper. A day to do whatever I so please! This is about me after all. :) But you get a say too, is there anything you'd like me to write about? Let met know!
Poetic Friday
I promise to try and mix up the poem types. It can't all be acrostic, villanelle or organic. :) I may even attempt another sonnet just for you folks.
Prompted Saturday
I'll use an item/scene/location prompt from CAD or one from the writing books I have. Simple enough ... one would think.
Established Sunday
And Sunday I will work on one of my handful of established works-in-progress: Senya, Rayella McGinty and Alloria Martin.
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