Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 32 - Improv when your button is undone

February 1 - Her button was undone

HIS button is undone!!  ^_^
     Rayella was startled to feel a bit of a breeze on the underside of her breasts and blushed twenty shades of crimson when she looked down.  The thrice accursed button had undone itself, again!  Gritting her teeth she drew her apron up, finished taking the order of the man at the counter and excused herself.  She couldn't believe it!  The shirt had a mind of its own!  Most times she wore the white button up, identical to two others she owned, it behaved itself, remaining buttoned and modest all day.  And then there were days like this.  The fourth button from the top refused to stay.  Rummaging in her purse Rae found a safety pin (by jabbing her finger on it) at the very bottom then stepped into the staff bathroom to begin the wrestling process necessary to secure her shirt without making it obvious or creating more of a gap.  Why didn't she listen to herself this morning when she thought it would be a good idea to wear a cami?  For the love of everything holy!  It was one of those days.  She couldn't say everything was going wrong, and really, some nice things had happened, but just enough stuff like this was happening to make her consider crawling in bed and hiding under the covers for the next two days.  At the very least it was an ice cream and movie night.  Wait.  With the way things have been going, nothing that could spill.  Did she have a sippy cup in the house?  That's it, a no spill water bottle (contents open for discussion), the pre-cut cheese, meat, and crackers in her fridge (no way was she touching a knife) and Darcy.  Sigh.  Now to hope her shirt survived the next three hours.

     It was really hard to start this prompt but I am very pleased with the way it went.  And I am sure ladies out there know how Rayella felt about the shirt!  I do!  And who else has had days like that?  Not really bad enough to really complain but you are a clutz and everything you can do wrong or stupid, you will?  I've been having more of those lately.  Hopefully as the weather improves, so will my coordination.

Day 32 - Improvisation

     Writing is like an actor's improv, you begin and "characters bloom, plots come out of thin air."
     Speaking of actors, who has seen Improv Everywhere?  They are the ones behind the famous Grand Central Station Freeze, the Food Court Musicals, and the No Pants Subway Rides.  My favorite missions though (as they call each prank) are: Free High Fives - it brings such joy to the commuters; the MP3 experiments - it is one of my lifegoals to be in NY for one of these!!!!!; the surprise wedding reception - they throw an impromptu wedding reception for a couple married at city hall, complete with brides maids, groomsmen, a cake and music, it was so sweet and kind and made people so happy; and Welcome Home - they greet complete strangers flying into the local airport!
     Click on the name of any mission to be taken to their page with the video, synopsis, and reactions.

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