Monday, September 30, 2013

Make Em Laugh

Picture Prompt Day 8 - A picture that makes you laugh

     I've got a rather large folder of funny pictures on my computer so I figured I'd share more than one.  There's enough sad things in the world, why be stingy with laughs?

      Screengrab from an episode of Stargate Atlantis.  Rodney doesn't like children so he let Zelenka go offworld to a planet populated exclusively by kiddos.  In his excitement to leave Atlantis, Radek forgot to ask where he was being sent.  This is the aftermath.   ^_^  He's so mad he can't speak English and reverts to his native tongue.
     Another screengrab.  It's at the end of an episode of Bones where they've been taking care of a baby.  Booth is annoying so Brennan shoves the binky in his mouth to shut him up.  XD  He obviously isn't sure whether he's more annoyed or surprised.
     Pic from Buzzfeed I think.  Not sure.  Cracks me up.  Can't you just hear the brown cow going "Sal, you're an idiot."?
     I was watching Bones on Hulu and it (obviously) started buffering while Hodgens was mid rant.  It was too good to pass up.  Screenshot!
     I personally took this picture in a Kingdom Hall in Utah.  I literally did a triple take because I didn't believe it the first two times I saw it.
     Paul Byrom is a goofy, goofy man!  He was a founding member of Celtic Thunder, before he left to pursue his solo career.
     Watch out Flynn, Pasqual is about to get you!  I love their expressions!

     Some of my favorite funny icons.  I especially like the two in the middle of the bottom row.  For more funny images check out My deviantArt Funny Album.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Most Treasured Item

Picture Prompt Day 7 - Your most treasured item

     Well, you can't take a picture of life itself or a relationship or knowledge and stars don't belong to anyone but Jehovah so ...
     I stopped by my sister's room to chat with her yesterday and she kept poking around her desk kinda grumbling.  She told me that she was sure she had something for me but couldn't figure out what.  She'd had the same feeling the day before when she'd come to talk to me and ended up spending a couple of hours looking at old photo albums.  Finally she opened her drawer, pulled out the rubber band, and handed it to me with an exasperated, "There!  I gave you something!"
     We both laughed.  It was grand and solved my dilemma of how-do-I-pick-JUST-ONE??!!!!??!?!?!?!?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Someone I'd Like to Trade Places With

Picture Prompt Day 6 - A person you'd love to trade places with for a day

     I'm not happy with my life right now so trading places with just about anyone would be a welcome change.  What would it like to be a teacher, a real librarian, a pilot, a dancer, an actress, a Broadway star, a mother, a pioneer, an archeologist?  I eventually decided on a Celtic Women chorus member.  I really, really miss my choir days, so being in a group of people who love to sing again would be grand.  I would love to work with any of the ladies in the group, I adore all of their songs, and don't get me started on the dresses (THE FLOOF).  Sharing what I love with an audience would be a wonderful experience to have for a day again.

Friday, September 27, 2013

My Favorite Memory

Picture Prompt Day 5 - Your favorite memory

Me and my Popcicle
      I have a hard time with this prompt because I have a hard time remembering specific events so I going to say my favorite memory is my childhood.  I was surrounded by people who loved and supported me including my parents.
     My dad and I have always been close.  One of my fondest memories was when he would fling me up into the air by my ankles.  Just about gave my mom a heart attack more than once but I loved it.  I was so sad when I got too big for him to do that any more.  It's probably because of this I wish I could fly. 
I'm a biker chic  :)
      He was also more tolerant of my short lived habit of jumping off the picnic table in our backyard.  He pointed out to my mom (I found out many years later) that I was jumping into the grass, not onto the concrete and I would be fine.  (I had thought it out, concrete hurts, grass doesn't.)  I also loved it when he took me out on his motorcycle.  He didn't do it very often but I loved the feeling of flying down the back roads.  I am still sad he had to sell it, a combination of aggravating his carpel tunnel syndrome and too many people pulling out in front of him without looking.
      My mom worked until my sister was born but she made sure I had plenty to read and the house was always filled with music.  We had Disney songs, math and counting songs, Joe Scruggs, Raffi, Glenn Miller, Beach Boys, and a whole lot more.  She also bought me my collection of  Disney sing-along VHSes which I watched, nearly to wearing out.
     Here we've used the snow day to make a snowman.  I miss the days when my hometown got snow every winter.  These days we're fortunate to get a dusting once or twice.  I remember making a snowperson whose bottom was as tall as I was and three times as wide, all out of snow from our small front yard.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Night

Picture Prompt Day 4 - A Picture of Your Night

   Agents of Shield rocks.  COULSON!!  ♥♥♥♥♥  And Hill.  I've read a lot of Avengers fanfiction (months before I watched the movie) and most of the authors have something seriously against Agent Hill (whose first name I'm still not sure how to pronounce).  I don't get it.  She is the coolest secondary character on the screen, a wonderful, strong woman.  Do the Fanfiction authors feel their FMCs threatened?  Seriously, she's awesome.  Though I want to know what this whole "He doesn't know, does he?" thing is about.  Hill, I realize your loyalties lie with Fury and SHEILD, but tell Coulson.  Please.  I beg of thee.
     That said, I LOVE the techno-twins.  I don't know if they're actually siblings or what but I love their babble and interaction.  I always to seem to like the geeky ones though, what can I say, it's a weakness.  :)
    The other part of my evening, I'm going to take a shower.  So excited.  Blah.  Have I mentioned I don't like repetition?

Picture belongs to Marvel and ABC

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Favorite TV Shows

Picture Prompt Day 3

     It's like one awesome family portrait.  I can never chose one (TV show, movie, book, song, food) so this is what happens.  :)  Shows in alphabetical order:

Adam-12 -  I love the interaction between Malloy and Reed and watching Reed grow as a police officer and human being.  The attitude against the police in the '60s however makes me MAD sometimes.  So much blind anger and against-the-system-just-because-we-can.  GAH!  (And a young Mark Harmon makes an appearance.  Gibbs sure has mellowed out.)
Bones -  It is next to impossible to find a cast picture with some of my favorite characters.  Where's the love for Zach or Caroline or the Squinterns?  Or baby Parker Booth?!  ♥  I'm not up to date with the show unfortunately.  A couple of seasons ago there was a season finale entitled "The Beginning in the End" after which I stopped watching as regularly, afraid that it meant the show was winding down.  It wasn't, but now I have three years to catch up.  :)  I love the variety of characters in the cast and am so glad Booth and Brennan worked things out!
Criminal Minds -  Rossi or Gideon?  I like both for different reasons.  It was fascinating to watch Reed be forced to grow after his father figure left.  My sister won't watch them after 10 pm and my mother can't stand them but I love the insight into the human psyche.  And the interplay between the characters is phenomenal.
Flashpoint -  Once again, great ensemble set in a high pressure environment.  The spend most of their time figuring out how to talk someone down but have their snipers for when things go wrong.  Set in Canada, interestingly enough.  (And the leader is a villain on Person of Interest!)
NCIS -  I love how the characters have grown.  I watch more for McGee and Abby and Gibbs and Ducky than the crimes.
Numb3rs -  A show about geeks!  And where is the love for Ian Edgerton?  I realize he's not a regular per say but I wish he was in cast pictures.  Le sigh.  And do you realize how hard it was to find the cast with Larry and Papa Eppes?  I can recognize the show from three seconds of the theme song.
Person of Interest -  Watched half of one episode and I was hooked.  Just watched the entire first season, waiting for the second from the library, and waiting for the DVR to work again so I can catch up.
Stargate: Atlantis -  Funny thing, I prefer the secondary characters: Radek Zelenka, Evan Lorne, Drs. Carson Beckett and Jennifer Keller and Rodney.  I remember being completely shocked, stunned, and devastated when they killed off Carson.  I had watched other seasons so I knew he had been replaced but had no idea why or how.  First time I teared up for a TV character and I walked around in a funk for the next 24 hours.
Sherlock -  What's not to love.  They cast this epically (except Mycroft but he's growing on me), the chemistry is amazing, and I love the Sherlock vision.  I haven't seen the last episode yet but I can't wait.
The Voice -  The only non-fiction show on here.  Singing is my passion so the show really speaks to me (I love to try to figure out what I would sing if I could audition and which coach I would pick, though who am I trying to kid, Team Blake all the way).  Not a fan of Christina and Cee-Lo.  I was glad when they were gone.  Xtina is so fake and catty and doesn't know how to cover up.  Sheesh.  And Cee-Lo is off in a different universe (a creepy one).

I cannot believe I forgot Leverage and Sharpe!!  Eliot is displeased.  I'm sorry Eliot.

Honorable mentions: The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Dancing with the Stars, Lie to Me, White Collar, NCIS: LA, SWAT, Dragent, She-Spies, Cadfael, Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Reading Rainbow, Between the Lions, Rescue Rangers, The Puzzle Place.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who I've Been Close to the Longest

Picture Prompt Day 2

     I'm at a point in my life where I have drifted apart from my childhood friends (which hurts more than one might imagine) and have slowly begun drawing close to those I was distant with before.  Such as my younger sister, who you see here 'sailing' with Brown Bear.  He must not be a very good sailor, from the look she's giving us, or he's said something colorful, which would be surprising because I've always found him to be very polite.
     When I think of being close to someone, I think of someone in whom you can confide your thoughts and feelings, even the ones you're afraid others might look at you askance for, someone you turn to when in distress, that you know you can rely on.  While my parents naturally come to mind, especially my father, honestly the first two 'people' think of in these terms are Brown Bear (the teddy you see above) and Taffy, our half German Shepherd/half Airedale Terrier.
    She was about a year older than I was and for as long as I can remember, I viewed her as my older sister.  My parents did a very good job of immediately establishing to Taffy that I was above her on the pecking order and she accepted it with grace.  We have several pictures of infant me on the floor with my toys and in the corner you can see a black, furry Taffy nose, hovering over this new little thing for her to protect.  I can remember hugging her she she was still taller than I was, and I loved laying on the ground, running my toes through her soft, curly fur.  Even when my parents were too busy for me or weren't home or if I just needed a quiet bit of company, Taffy was there.  I was devastated when we had to put her down, finally, at age thirteen, due to cancer.  Hers was the first loss of someone I was close to that I had to deal with and it hit me hard.
     I find it difficult to get close to people, animals are so much easier, but I am glad that I have my sister.  Growing up we weren't close (being just far enough apart in age that I could do 'big girl' things sooner that she could, and traveling in different social circles) but in the last five years, as I graduated from high school and she entered it, we've grown close.  So close that I sometimes swear we're twins born four years apart.  That isn't to say we're exactly the same, we have very different temperaments (think Jane and Lizzy Bennet) and there are some things we cannot agree on (tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, split pea soup, which Outsider is better, comic books), but we can finish each others sentences, often know what other means when what they've said sounds like gibberish to someone else, work well side by side in, and have forged an iron bond.  There is no one I would rather spend time with.

Monday, September 23, 2013

25 Facts About Me

1.  In a musical there is almost always one song I don’t like (and my sister finds much amusement in this).
2.  The shirts in my closet are organized by color.
3.  One day I would like to find something I can be so passionate about that I will become an expert.
4.  As a child I wanted to be an archeologist with a focus in paleontology so I could dig up the dinosaurs I loved reading about.  If I couldn’t be that I wanted to be a secretary because going to the moon in one of those little capsules was not an option.
5.  In fifth grade I killed a fly in mid air with a ruler.
6.  I cannot stand repetition but I can reread a book a hundred times.
7.  I spell ‘theatre’ the British way … much to the confusion of my friends.
8.  I cannot spell ‘similar’.  I ALWAYS spell it ‘simular’ … which evidently means ‘one who simulates’.
9.  I like eating my round candies (MnMs, Junior Mints, Skittles) in twos ...
10.  … and I like it even better to eat my candies in color order … but not the whole bag usually, just by the handful.
11.  I am not a morning person and loathe speaking in the morning.  I will do whatever I can and use all of my ninja skills to avoid talking to people.
12.  Guilty pleasure movie: The Scarlet Pimpernel starring Jane Seymour, Anthony Andrews and Ian McKellen.  It is hilarious with moments of serious men in manly ponytails.  ^_^  Also, I like yelling at the screen, “You’ve been told by Magneto!”
13.  The only thing that I like now, that I did not as a child, is guacamole.
14.  I still use Neopets Standard Time to set my clocks.
15.  When I get tired I use bigger words than usual.
16.  When I am uncomfortable in a situation I often start speaking in German, despite it not being my first language and despite my lack of fluency.
17.  I’ve never been stung by a bee/wasp/etc.
18.  I’ve never broken a bone.
19.   I have no freckles on the bottom of my feet, though I do have a matched set on the top.  (Cousin Denise)
20.  My favorite food is very hard to pinpoint but I love strawberries, I love lamb and venison, I love food that has flavor.  (Julie O)
21.  For a while I convinced my sister that split pea soup is nasty.  I still think so but she has changed her mind.
22.  I will not pull out in front of a car with it’s turn signal on, no matter how slow it is going.  That is how I almost got hit in Canada.
23.  Avengers fanfiction is best with a medieval soundtrack.
24.  I have never read an Alex Rider book … but I have listened to all except the newest and I’ve seen the movie.
25.  I cannot buy tights at a department store or drugstore because their lightest shade looks like a really bad fake tan on my pale German-Irish-Oregonian legs.