Saturday, January 3, 2015

Disneybounding Reveal: Marahute

Marahute from Rescuers Down Under

Congratulations T.V., Lisa B., and Ashley B.'s Disney crazy cousin!

Favorite Quote: *squawk*

     I love Marahute!  She is sweet and fierce and protective and conveys emotional depth without ever speaking a word.  You just want her to take you under her wings and give you a ride through the clouds. ♥  I also wanted to be able to shrug like her.
     I loved both of the Rescuers movies growing up but Down Under was my favorite of the two.  I can't count the number of times I watched them.  Every feather I see becomes the one Cody had.  It tickles me to no end that our zoo has a lizard named Joanna and I still count McLeach as one of the scariest villains.  That scene with the crocodiles sparked more than one nightmare.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Photo of the Day 2 - Something Yellow Disneybounding

Photo of the Day
Day 2 - Something yellow

Something yellow AND Friday Disneybounding!  Oh yeah!  Can you guess who I am?  It's kinda obscure (depending on your childhood) so I'll give you some hints.
1. My character is a female.
2. She's an animal.
3. She never speaks.
Bonus Blog Only Hint: She is a widowed mother of three and my earrings are feathers.

You have until 3 pm tomorrow, then I'm posting the answer.  :)

Writing Prompt of the Day -  I was busy doing things around the house today so I didn't do any writing, though I did discover some old writing while cleaning my desk.  Also uncovered today: science assignments log from the beginning of 8th grade (that was in 2003, which means it was eleven years ago!!  Howdidthathappen?!), Lisa Frank stationary from elementary school, eight partially used notebooks, and more than dozen pens.  I also came to the conclusion that I am not allowed to buy any more blank or generic notecards until I use up the stockpile I have.  Good thing one of my goals this year is to send a letter/note/card to someone every week!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015 and PotD Day 1

Welcome to 2015!
It's been over a year since I wrote anything here ... where has the time gone?
I attempted but failed Camp NaNo and NaNo this year but got farther than I have in a long time.  I'm kick starting this year and my creativity by doing FatMumSlim's Photo a Day project and writing every day.  I have other goals (writing letters to people, saving up for a Disneyland trip, planning a trip to Yellowstone, and others) but those are the most important.

Today's Writing Prompt:  Mother Nature
Words so far: 225

Photo of the Day
 Photo Prompt:  The sky

     It was an unusually clear and cold day today so I kept my eye on the sky but I liked the sunset best.  Unfortunately I was out and about with my sister so I took the picture with my phone and had to try crossing the parking lot without getting hit by cars and snapping the shot, so the quality isn't the best.  I'll dig out my camera or borrow my sister's on other days.  :)
     Feel free to join me on my creative journey, it's always more fun with companions.  Are you trying anything new in this new year?  Did you start something in 2014 that you will continue?  Let me know in the comments.