Craig Donnlaoch - Sam's father. He knew Lucias Bertolli (now head of the Bertolli mob family) as children under less than pleasant circumstances (not sure if they were in a military academy, all boys school or if Craig was in the foster system). Whatever the circumstances the two formed a close friendship that was tested as Lucias began to take a more active part in the illegal businesses that were his heritage. Eventually the two parted, but not before Lucias acted as best man in Craig and Marcia's wedding. And when Craig hit a rough patch, unable to find work after a car accident, Lucias offered him a job as his personal chauffeur. Desperate, with a wife and new born child to provide for, he and Lucius Bertolli made an agreement. For Craig’s knowledge of New York and silence, Bertolli wouldn’t bother his family or have him participate in any crimes. If he didn’t see anything, he had nothing to tell. To further protect his young family, Craig took on the identity of Donny Capall and kept as many 'associates' away from his house as possible (though any wise rising mob boss keeps an eye on his 'assets' no matter how dear a friend). A few years ago the feds came sniffing around and with his financial feet firmly under him and Sam well established in her current profession he disappeared to Oregon. He will stop by to visit his only child from time to time and it was on one such visit that Eddie Solario made the mistake of breaking his daughter's heart. Recognizing him for his true identity, Craig kicked Eddie out and helped Sam make the changes necessary to protect her as much as possible from the Solario family, including telling her about the separate identity he had created for her as Siobhan Capall, should she ever need to disappear. Craig is an only child and any remaining family he has is scattered here and in the old country of Ireland. Craig is fluent in Irish and has instilled this language in his daughter.

Flynn Traven |
Marica Traven Donnlaoch - Sam's mother. I'm not sure if she is alive. I have such a hard time writing mother characters! Either way, Marcia is the eldest of three. Her two 'younger' siblings are Malcolm and Maryanne. They come from a long family line that has split, half settling in the Montana area, half settling in Oklahoma. She is from the Oklahoma side of the family This might play into the story later. If you've read any of the Sackett books by Louis L'Amore you will understand: Sam will recognize the Traven name of someone she meets, tells the person of her mother's background and instantly be protected by reason of relation. I love those stories. Maybe from my wish that I had a large, close family like that, someway I could feel automatically protected. But back to Marcia. The alternate identy that Craig has set up for her is Gilrean Capall. Her younger brother Malcolm Traven is married to Annebelle, whom everyone calls Belle and has two sons, Flynn and Ryder. Sam loves her two male cousins and spends the summer in Oklahoma with her Uncle Mal, Aunt Belle, cousins Flynn and Rye. Malcolm and family live near he and Marcia's younger sister, Maryanne Matthews, her husband Wyatt and their daughter Penelope. Penny currently lives in California across the hall from some very smart people. Sam isn't super close to that part of the family, especially since Penny moved to California but they used to see each other regularly. Marcia, like Craig, is fluent in Irish; it is a language passed down in her family.

Edward Solerio aka
Eddie Helios - Ah, the main villain! Eddie and Sam met in high school when he was trying to live a more 'normal' life, though at that time they were mostly acquaintances. Their friends had teased them that they made a perfect pair, he was dark haired and dark eyed, she fair haired and fair eyed but both were tough. They continued their friendship into college where they finally admitted to mutual attraction and began dating. She helped him break out of some of his dark and brooding moods while he challenged her to do better in her classes. Aside from the usual quarrels they had a very good relationship going on until she caught him cuddling with a fellow classmate. It was actually a Solario contact but Sam never knew. When Eddie went to Sam's apartment to apologize her father, recognizing that he was a Solerio mob member kicked him out, helped Sam change all her locks, phone numbers, get a guard dog and transfer schools. And here I am torn. How truly did Eddie feel for Sam? What ever his feelings, he left her alone after getting thrown out. Now he is focused on becoming the best mob boss possible. He has three very loyal followers in Mitch Linguine, Vinnie ‘Pasta Fingers’ Spaghetti and Guido Costa. It is with this trio that he botches the A) theft of an art piece and B) killing of Joey Mastroni (he does kill him but it is done in a public area and he is recognized), thus prompting the beginning of the story.

Dominic Luca - The US Marshall in charge of Sam's case. Whenever Sam is in a city other than New York she is under the protection of the local US Marshalls office but ultimately both they and she report back to him. Sam is only his fourth witness to go into hiding from the New York mob and his last one didn't go so well (the witness ended up dead before the trial) so he is very vigilant with Sam, much to her irritation. He may or may not end up being a leak by the end. I haven't decided yet. Depends on if it fits the way the story is going by the end. :)
Where ever his loyalty lies, Dom is a charming, affable man and a social chameleon, a necessary trait when dealing with witness cover stories. Sam tells everyone he's an ex boyfriend who likes to check up on her and they have fun making their back story as outrageous as possible with each person they meet.
These are most of my original characters, or at least the ones that play the biggest part in what I have written thus far.
And an update on story title ideas to date. The Hunt for Sam, The Changling (though I think that title has been taken by a movie with a rather famous actress), Samtastic, and Driven.
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