Friday, December 30, 2011

Prompted to the Fourth

8 for Chelsea; 57 and 79 for Brian; 18, 87 and the remaining 40s for my sister; and the rest because I could.

8. Innocence: “Papa, how did cousin Ryder get in Tante Belle’s tummy?”
18. Rainbow: “Sky, ciel. Rainbow, arc en ciel,” Craig told his tiny daughter, pointing up at the features in the sky. “Rain, pluie. Cloud, nuage.”
43. Dying: The world was silent for long moments after the blast and one thought kept running through her head, ‘to die would be an awfully big adventure’.
44. Two Roads: If asked Sam would swear she didn’t cry when the choir sang The Road Not Taken at their graduation … misting up doesn’t count as crying, right?
45. Illusion: While in Witsec she felt like an invisible person, her true self hidden and unseen from all.
48. Childhood: Happy days, marred by her mother’s kidnap then the split of her family.
49. Stripes: The first day of school was a special day in the Donnlaoch household and no matter the weather it was hot chocolate with candy canes all around.
57. Sacrifice: Downshift would never say so, but he always thought those willing to give up their identity to serve justice were a little too stuck up like Prime, even if it was the right thing to do.
63. Do Not Disturb: Sam didn’t like waking up early, but unlike her cousin she didn’t have a I’ll-hurt-you-if-you-wake-me-before-eleven-AM rule.
70. 67 Percent: And that folks, is why she hated group projects.
79. Starvation: The worst thing about an early lunch period was that long wait until the last bell.
87. Food: The whole family grinned and it was only after the camera flash that the elder members noticed the BBQ sauce all over the faces of the younger.
92. All That I Have: Tears sparkled in her eyes as she smiled at the man on his knee before her. “Yes.”

 Tomorrow, the 90s for Cat, plus five or six other requests: 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-39, 50-52, 56, 64-69, 71, 75, 78, 83, 85, 88

To explain a couple of things.  Tante, according to the Google Translate site, is Aunt in Irish.  All other translations are also from there.
* '... to die would be an awfully big adventure' comes from the 2004 Peter Pan
* The cousin in 63 is Penny from Big Bang Theory
* I have no idea who the guy in 92 is.  Sam has no romantic interest that I know of.
* Our choir almost sang The Road Not Taken as our graduation song but our director chose That Lonesome Road instead, a darker version that talks more about regrets that never fails to make me teary.  There is a beautiful choir version and one by James Taylor  And on a side note, Sam is my first character to not have a musical background and/or have been in her high school choir.

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