I've got about two more days worth (after this). Then back to the scheduled program. Having something to write every day has been really nice and I hope to keep the habit up.
27. Foreign: The first time someone called her Kate Miller she almost forgot to respond.
35. Hold my Hand: All she could do for her fellow officer was sit by them as they bled out, waiting for the ambulance that would be too late.
37. Eyes: The stranger’s slight accent and grey eyes were delicious but when he introduced himself she knew she had found family.
64. Multitasking: Look at the traffic ahead, check either lanes for merging, remember which roads are busy, when each school gets out, where the passenger wants to go, all while making pleasant conversation.
67. Playing the Melody: Carefully she picked out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star on her aunt’s piano as the older woman played circles around her, their harmony filling the quiet afternoon.
71. Obsession: Her father always teased her that she had been in love with cars from infancy and it was true, her favorite teething toy was a detached stick shift.
72. Mischief Managed: The only thing that kept the four cousins from relieving their boredom via pranks on Joe Cassop was Aunt Belle’s threats of no peach turnover and hard time cleaning the house.
74. Are You Challenging Me?: Ironhide bristled and Sam cringed; was the Sec Def suicidal?!
93. Give Up: Sam’s mother sighed and kissed her husband on the forehead. “You know she’s not going to stop asking for a puppy. She is our daughter after all.”
94. Last Hope: “Mr. Bertolli, this is Siobhan Capall calling in Donnie Capall’s favor, I need your help.”
95. Advertisement: “There has got to be someone hiring!”
96. In the Storm: A tiny blonde form flung herself into the safe bed of her parents just as the second thunder crash shook the house.
97. Safety First: Honestly, some passengers were so fussy; she saw the red light!
98. Puzzle: Curious George was a very strange monkey, young Samantha decided; who else would want to eat a puzzle peice?
Half tomorrow: 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 33, 34, 38, 39, 50-52, 56, 65, 66, 68, 69, 75, 78, 83, 85, 88
I am watching the 25th anniversary Les Miserables finale and fangirling. It makes me so happy to see the original cast and hear Colm Wilkinson sing! And what is even better is the joy he obviously finds in singing the songs again and the reaction from the crowd when his voice rolls over them. His grin is infectious. Many performers seem to turn their backs on a role once they are done with a run and appear very condescending or stiff if asked to reprise it for a tribute. When you have done something amazing enough to be asked back you should be honored and embrace what is now a part of your identity. Colm appears to have done that, besides looking like a teddy bear and favorite uncle anyways. I love his voice and the emotion he puts into his part. The only thing that would make the tribute better is if Philip Quast from the 10th anniversary performance was there. But I plan on doing a more detailed review and comparison of the Les Mises later. :)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Prompted to the Fourth
8 for Chelsea; 57 and 79 for Brian; 18, 87 and the remaining 40s for my sister; and the rest because I could.
8. Innocence: “Papa, how did cousin Ryder get in Tante Belle’s tummy?”
18. Rainbow: “Sky, ciel. Rainbow, arc en ciel,” Craig told his tiny daughter, pointing up at the features in the sky. “Rain, pluie. Cloud, nuage.”
43. Dying: The world was silent for long moments after the blast and one thought kept running through her head, ‘to die would be an awfully big adventure’.
44. Two Roads: If asked Sam would swear she didn’t cry when the choir sang The Road Not Taken at their graduation … misting up doesn’t count as crying, right?
45. Illusion: While in Witsec she felt like an invisible person, her true self hidden and unseen from all.
48. Childhood: Happy days, marred by her mother’s kidnap then the split of her family.
49. Stripes: The first day of school was a special day in the Donnlaoch household and no matter the weather it was hot chocolate with candy canes all around.
57. Sacrifice: Downshift would never say so, but he always thought those willing to give up their identity to serve justice were a little too stuck up like Prime, even if it was the right thing to do.
63. Do Not Disturb: Sam didn’t like waking up early, but unlike her cousin she didn’t have a I’ll-hurt-you-if-you-wake-me-before-eleven-AM rule.
70. 67 Percent: And that folks, is why she hated group projects.
79. Starvation: The worst thing about an early lunch period was that long wait until the last bell.
87. Food: The whole family grinned and it was only after the camera flash that the elder members noticed the BBQ sauce all over the faces of the younger.
92. All That I Have: Tears sparkled in her eyes as she smiled at the man on his knee before her. “Yes.”
Tomorrow, the 90s for Cat, plus five or six other requests: 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-39, 50-52, 56, 64-69, 71, 75, 78, 83, 85, 88
To explain a couple of things. Tante, according to the Google Translate site, is Aunt in Irish. All other translations are also from there.
* '... to die would be an awfully big adventure' comes from the 2004 Peter Pan
* The cousin in 63 is Penny from Big Bang Theory
* I have no idea who the guy in 92 is. Sam has no romantic interest that I know of.
* Our choir almost sang The Road Not Taken as our graduation song but our director chose That Lonesome Road instead, a darker version that talks more about regrets that never fails to make me teary. There is a beautiful choir version and one by James Taylor And on a side note, Sam is my first character to not have a musical background and/or have been in her high school choir.
8. Innocence: “Papa, how did cousin Ryder get in Tante Belle’s tummy?”
18. Rainbow: “Sky, ciel. Rainbow, arc en ciel,” Craig told his tiny daughter, pointing up at the features in the sky. “Rain, pluie. Cloud, nuage.”
43. Dying: The world was silent for long moments after the blast and one thought kept running through her head, ‘to die would be an awfully big adventure’.
44. Two Roads: If asked Sam would swear she didn’t cry when the choir sang The Road Not Taken at their graduation … misting up doesn’t count as crying, right?
45. Illusion: While in Witsec she felt like an invisible person, her true self hidden and unseen from all.
48. Childhood: Happy days, marred by her mother’s kidnap then the split of her family.
49. Stripes: The first day of school was a special day in the Donnlaoch household and no matter the weather it was hot chocolate with candy canes all around.
57. Sacrifice: Downshift would never say so, but he always thought those willing to give up their identity to serve justice were a little too stuck up like Prime, even if it was the right thing to do.
63. Do Not Disturb: Sam didn’t like waking up early, but unlike her cousin she didn’t have a I’ll-hurt-you-if-you-wake-me-before-eleven-AM rule.
70. 67 Percent: And that folks, is why she hated group projects.
79. Starvation: The worst thing about an early lunch period was that long wait until the last bell.
87. Food: The whole family grinned and it was only after the camera flash that the elder members noticed the BBQ sauce all over the faces of the younger.
92. All That I Have: Tears sparkled in her eyes as she smiled at the man on his knee before her. “Yes.”
Tomorrow, the 90s for Cat, plus five or six other requests: 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-39, 50-52, 56, 64-69, 71, 75, 78, 83, 85, 88
To explain a couple of things. Tante, according to the Google Translate site, is Aunt in Irish. All other translations are also from there.
* '... to die would be an awfully big adventure' comes from the 2004 Peter Pan
* The cousin in 63 is Penny from Big Bang Theory
* I have no idea who the guy in 92 is. Sam has no romantic interest that I know of.
* Our choir almost sang The Road Not Taken as our graduation song but our director chose That Lonesome Road instead, a darker version that talks more about regrets that never fails to make me teary. There is a beautiful choir version and one by James Taylor And on a side note, Sam is my first character to not have a musical background and/or have been in her high school choir.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Challenges - Part 3
Danke Deanna, Caitlin und Brian!
26. Tears: Flynn and Ryder stared in askance at Sam. “Are you crying at Old Yeller?”
30. Under the Rain: Sam shivered as she waited for her cousins to show up so they could execute their next prank.
36. Precious Treasure: The baby birds looked so fragile cradled in her hands, a pity they had fallen from the nest.
40. Rated: “I got the job!” Sam squealed, nearly tackling her father. “I’m now a New York cabbie!”
41. Teamwork: Together Sam and Prowl were an unstoppable crime fighting team.
54. Tower: No matter how many times she was asked, Sam still found it amusing when tourists wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.
59. No Way Out: The chess board loomed before her and she growled, checkmate again!
60. Rejection: Penny cried fat tears onto Samantha’s shoulder when Brent said he wouldn’t go out with her and the next day the boy sported a black eye.
61. Fairy Tale: “Athair! Read to me about Boudica again!”
62. Magic: Craig and Marcia Donnloach both decided when Samantha was very small that they would not lie to her, she would never believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny or Cupid.
81. Pen and Paper: “Addy! Bring that back” Sam called but the bird simply squawked and flew higher, pencil clutched in her beak.
84. Out Cold: Sam’s sensitivity to sedatives was discovered when the dentist filled her first cavity.
90. Triangle: Sam curled next to her father as he taught her the constellations: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion, Andromeda and Tringulum.
Numbers left: 8, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-39, 50-52, 56, 57, 64-69, 71, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 88, 92-98
26. Tears: Flynn and Ryder stared in askance at Sam. “Are you crying at Old Yeller?”
30. Under the Rain: Sam shivered as she waited for her cousins to show up so they could execute their next prank.
36. Precious Treasure: The baby birds looked so fragile cradled in her hands, a pity they had fallen from the nest.
40. Rated: “I got the job!” Sam squealed, nearly tackling her father. “I’m now a New York cabbie!”
41. Teamwork: Together Sam and Prowl were an unstoppable crime fighting team.
54. Tower: No matter how many times she was asked, Sam still found it amusing when tourists wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.
59. No Way Out: The chess board loomed before her and she growled, checkmate again!
60. Rejection: Penny cried fat tears onto Samantha’s shoulder when Brent said he wouldn’t go out with her and the next day the boy sported a black eye.
61. Fairy Tale: “Athair! Read to me about Boudica again!”
62. Magic: Craig and Marcia Donnloach both decided when Samantha was very small that they would not lie to her, she would never believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny or Cupid.
81. Pen and Paper: “Addy! Bring that back” Sam called but the bird simply squawked and flew higher, pencil clutched in her beak.
84. Out Cold: Sam’s sensitivity to sedatives was discovered when the dentist filled her first cavity.
90. Triangle: Sam curled next to her father as he taught her the constellations: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion, Andromeda and Tringulum.
Numbers left: 8, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-39, 50-52, 56, 57, 64-69, 71, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 88, 92-98
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
You prompt me (Challenges Part 2)
Per requests from Cat, Miri, Justin and Deanna:
22. Mother Nature: Gunfire never bothered her (unless it was aimed at her naturally) but thunder still made her jump.
32. Night: Sam marveled at how warm Downshift’s hood was as she stretched out on it to stargaze and listen to Optimus’s story.
55. Waiting: She crouched behind the nearest car and as soon as the men turned their backs she was outta there!
58. Kick in the Head: Young Samantha developed a healthy respect for cows after narrowly being missed by a flying hoof.
73. I Can't: Sam joined her fellow police cadets as they collapsed beside the track; the instructors may be trying to kill them but she would take all they threw at her.
76. Broken Pieces: The quartet of amateur baseball players stared at each other as the sound of shattered glass broke the afternoon air, Penny’s grin falling as all of their faces lost a few shades.
77. Test: Sam had her driving test scheduled the day she was eligible and had passed within five minutes on the road.
80. Words: The attorney’s questions swirled together into a constant buzz after a while and Sam’s head drifted towards the table.
91. Drowning: “Rye!” she screamed as her cousin floundered in the rushing river.
99. Solitude: Sam collapsed to her couch the moment the last Marshall left.
And ten I already had done:
16. Questioning: “Are you coming home yet?” was always the first thing she asked her mother when they spoke on the phone.
17. Blood: “Are you friken kidding me?” Sam shrieked as red sprayed her skin; the unfortunate soldier next to her wasn’t really dead from the paintball blast but if she anything to say about it he soon would be.
19. Grey: Secretly Sam always thought the Decepticon color scheme a little boring, but appreciated it made them easier to identify.
23. Cat: It’s not that Sam didn’t like cats, its just that every time she was around them they tried to kill her.
25. Trouble Lurking: Sam couldn’t explain it but the new police car patrolling her house gave her the willies.
31. Flowers: She avoided the hospital not only because she was afraid of sick people, but because the bouquets of mostly lilies would end up trying to kill her.
42. Standing Still: Time stopped when her father told her about her mother; she would never forgive the Solarios.
46. Family: Of all the things instilled in her, a sense of family was the strongest and it served her will in Montana.
47. Creation: Sam walked proudly into the room, her creations held before her. The cake was lopsided and the icing patchy in places, but it was the first thing she had cooked completely by herself and nothing could burst her bubble.
53. Keeping a Secret: Sam did her best to keep a straight face as her cousins started drooling over her car; Downshift was going to be impossible to live with after this.
Numbers left: 8, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-41, 43-45, 48-52, 56, 57, 59-62, 64-69, 71, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 88, 92-98
22. Mother Nature: Gunfire never bothered her (unless it was aimed at her naturally) but thunder still made her jump.
32. Night: Sam marveled at how warm Downshift’s hood was as she stretched out on it to stargaze and listen to Optimus’s story.
55. Waiting: She crouched behind the nearest car and as soon as the men turned their backs she was outta there!
58. Kick in the Head: Young Samantha developed a healthy respect for cows after narrowly being missed by a flying hoof.
73. I Can't: Sam joined her fellow police cadets as they collapsed beside the track; the instructors may be trying to kill them but she would take all they threw at her.
76. Broken Pieces: The quartet of amateur baseball players stared at each other as the sound of shattered glass broke the afternoon air, Penny’s grin falling as all of their faces lost a few shades.
77. Test: Sam had her driving test scheduled the day she was eligible and had passed within five minutes on the road.
80. Words: The attorney’s questions swirled together into a constant buzz after a while and Sam’s head drifted towards the table.
91. Drowning: “Rye!” she screamed as her cousin floundered in the rushing river.
99. Solitude: Sam collapsed to her couch the moment the last Marshall left.
And ten I already had done:
16. Questioning: “Are you coming home yet?” was always the first thing she asked her mother when they spoke on the phone.
17. Blood: “Are you friken kidding me?” Sam shrieked as red sprayed her skin; the unfortunate soldier next to her wasn’t really dead from the paintball blast but if she anything to say about it he soon would be.
19. Grey: Secretly Sam always thought the Decepticon color scheme a little boring, but appreciated it made them easier to identify.
23. Cat: It’s not that Sam didn’t like cats, its just that every time she was around them they tried to kill her.
25. Trouble Lurking: Sam couldn’t explain it but the new police car patrolling her house gave her the willies.
31. Flowers: She avoided the hospital not only because she was afraid of sick people, but because the bouquets of mostly lilies would end up trying to kill her.
42. Standing Still: Time stopped when her father told her about her mother; she would never forgive the Solarios.
46. Family: Of all the things instilled in her, a sense of family was the strongest and it served her will in Montana.
47. Creation: Sam walked proudly into the room, her creations held before her. The cake was lopsided and the icing patchy in places, but it was the first thing she had cooked completely by herself and nothing could burst her bubble.
53. Keeping a Secret: Sam did her best to keep a straight face as her cousins started drooling over her car; Downshift was going to be impossible to live with after this.
Numbers left: 8, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27-29, 33-35, 37-41, 43-45, 48-52, 56, 57, 59-62, 64-69, 71, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 88, 92-98
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Challenges - Part 1
I read a companion to a fanfiction series in which the author took a one hundred prompt challenge and I liked it so much I copied them. Each prompt is supposed to be responded to in one sentence, but as you will see, number 14 took on a life of its own. The prompts have helped me to both A) develop Samantha and her back story and B) write in every spare moment I have. But I am far from done. Below is are the numbers of the prompts I have yet to do and a handful that I already have done. Message me a number or post it in the comments and I will include it in the next batch!
8, 18, 20-22, 24, 27-30, 32-41, 43-45, 48-52, 55-62, 64-71, 73, 75-77, 79-81, 83-85, 87, 88, 90-99
1. Introduction: Sam’s introduction to Transformers could have been better, but then, most could.
2. Love: As she curled into a ball of self loathing, Sam wondered how she had ever thought herself in love with Eddie.
3. Light: Sam gunned it and the light turned red as soon as her tires left the intersection.
4. Dark: It was darker in the country than in the city but Sam liked that.
5. Seeking Solace: The family, now of two, huddled together by the grave of the most important woman in their lives, safe in each others embrace.
6. Break Away: The tires spun as the bullets flew and Sam barely escaped.
7. Heaven: Sam groaned happily as she bit into the hot peach turnover; no one made peach turnover like her Aunt Belle.
9. Drive: Sam was eleven when her father taught her to drive her uncle’s tractor and the world hasn’t been the same since.
10. Breathe Again: As Beckett uttered those words Sam felt struck by a physical blow; it took many long seconds to regain her hearing, breath and power of speech.
11. Memory: Grumbling, she changed the radio station; she liked some show tunes but that one was over used.
12. Insanity: Sam’s world turned upside down the moment her car began dodging bullets on it’s own.
13. Misfortune: Some days Sam cursed the day she witnessed the beginning of Eddie’s downfall, but then she thinks of the friends she met along the way and the pain is a little less.
14. Smile: “Daddy!” Sam ran excitedly into the room where her father and his friend, a man she knew only as ‘Sir’ were talking in low tones. The two men looked toward her in surprise as she thrust her hand into her father’s face, thumb and forefinger holding her prize for his inspection.
“Lookie! I loth my firth thooth! An i’ dinn even hurth!”
Her father grinned back at her her and scooped her up to plant a proud kiss on her nose. “Congratulations InĂon.”
“Are you going to put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy?” the man known as Sir asked. Sam turned and studied the man with solemn grey eyes for a moment then whispered quietly in her father’s ear. The man watched as her father’s face involuntarily twitched in a half smile then quickly sobered and whispered a response in her ear. Seriously, the child turned her curl ringed face to the man.
“The thooth fairy ithint real, Thir.”
15. Silence: The hardest part of being in Witsec, Sam quickly decided, was not being able to call her father; when she needed comfort there was silence.
8, 18, 20-22, 24, 27-30, 32-41, 43-45, 48-52, 55-62, 64-71, 73, 75-77, 79-81, 83-85, 87, 88, 90-99
1. Introduction: Sam’s introduction to Transformers could have been better, but then, most could.
2. Love: As she curled into a ball of self loathing, Sam wondered how she had ever thought herself in love with Eddie.
3. Light: Sam gunned it and the light turned red as soon as her tires left the intersection.
4. Dark: It was darker in the country than in the city but Sam liked that.
5. Seeking Solace: The family, now of two, huddled together by the grave of the most important woman in their lives, safe in each others embrace.
6. Break Away: The tires spun as the bullets flew and Sam barely escaped.
7. Heaven: Sam groaned happily as she bit into the hot peach turnover; no one made peach turnover like her Aunt Belle.
9. Drive: Sam was eleven when her father taught her to drive her uncle’s tractor and the world hasn’t been the same since.
10. Breathe Again: As Beckett uttered those words Sam felt struck by a physical blow; it took many long seconds to regain her hearing, breath and power of speech.
11. Memory: Grumbling, she changed the radio station; she liked some show tunes but that one was over used.
12. Insanity: Sam’s world turned upside down the moment her car began dodging bullets on it’s own.
13. Misfortune: Some days Sam cursed the day she witnessed the beginning of Eddie’s downfall, but then she thinks of the friends she met along the way and the pain is a little less.
14. Smile: “Daddy!” Sam ran excitedly into the room where her father and his friend, a man she knew only as ‘Sir’ were talking in low tones. The two men looked toward her in surprise as she thrust her hand into her father’s face, thumb and forefinger holding her prize for his inspection.
“Lookie! I loth my firth thooth! An i’ dinn even hurth!”
Her father grinned back at her her and scooped her up to plant a proud kiss on her nose. “Congratulations InĂon.”
“Are you going to put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy?” the man known as Sir asked. Sam turned and studied the man with solemn grey eyes for a moment then whispered quietly in her father’s ear. The man watched as her father’s face involuntarily twitched in a half smile then quickly sobered and whispered a response in her ear. Seriously, the child turned her curl ringed face to the man.
“The thooth fairy ithint real, Thir.”
15. Silence: The hardest part of being in Witsec, Sam quickly decided, was not being able to call her father; when she needed comfort there was silence.
Monday, December 19, 2011
NaNoWriMo 2011 Cast
Craig Donnlaoch - Sam's father. He knew Lucias Bertolli (now head of the Bertolli mob family) as children under less than pleasant circumstances (not sure if they were in a military academy, all boys school or if Craig was in the foster system). Whatever the circumstances the two formed a close friendship that was tested as Lucias began to take a more active part in the illegal businesses that were his heritage. Eventually the two parted, but not before Lucias acted as best man in Craig and Marcia's wedding. And when Craig hit a rough patch, unable to find work after a car accident, Lucias offered him a job as his personal chauffeur. Desperate, with a wife and new born child to provide for, he and Lucius Bertolli made an agreement. For Craig’s knowledge of New York and silence, Bertolli wouldn’t bother his family or have him participate in any crimes. If he didn’t see anything, he had nothing to tell. To further protect his young family, Craig took on the identity of Donny Capall and kept as many 'associates' away from his house as possible (though any wise rising mob boss keeps an eye on his 'assets' no matter how dear a friend). A few years ago the feds came sniffing around and with his financial feet firmly under him and Sam well established in her current profession he disappeared to Oregon. He will stop by to visit his only child from time to time and it was on one such visit that Eddie Solario made the mistake of breaking his daughter's heart. Recognizing him for his true identity, Craig kicked Eddie out and helped Sam make the changes necessary to protect her as much as possible from the Solario family, including telling her about the separate identity he had created for her as Siobhan Capall, should she ever need to disappear. Craig is an only child and any remaining family he has is scattered here and in the old country of Ireland. Craig is fluent in Irish and has instilled this language in his daughter.
Marica Traven Donnlaoch - Sam's mother. I'm not sure if she is alive. I have such a hard time writing mother characters! Either way, Marcia is the eldest of three. Her two 'younger' siblings are Malcolm and Maryanne. They come from a long family line that has split, half settling in the Montana area, half settling in Oklahoma. She is from the Oklahoma side of the family This might play into the story later. If you've read any of the Sackett books by Louis L'Amore you will understand: Sam will recognize the Traven name of someone she meets, tells the person of her mother's background and instantly be protected by reason of relation. I love those stories. Maybe from my wish that I had a large, close family like that, someway I could feel automatically protected. But back to Marcia. The alternate identy that Craig has set up for her is Gilrean Capall. Her younger brother Malcolm Traven is married to Annebelle, whom everyone calls Belle and has two sons, Flynn and Ryder. Sam loves her two male cousins and spends the summer in Oklahoma with her Uncle Mal, Aunt Belle, cousins Flynn and Rye. Malcolm and family live near he and Marcia's younger sister, Maryanne Matthews, her husband Wyatt and their daughter Penelope. Penny currently lives in California across the hall from some very smart people. Sam isn't super close to that part of the family, especially since Penny moved to California but they used to see each other regularly. Marcia, like Craig, is fluent in Irish; it is a language passed down in her family.
Edward Solerio aka Eddie Helios - Ah, the main villain! Eddie and Sam met in high school when he was trying to live a more 'normal' life, though at that time they were mostly acquaintances. Their friends had teased them that they made a perfect pair, he was dark haired and dark eyed, she fair haired and fair eyed but both were tough. They continued their friendship into college where they finally admitted to mutual attraction and began dating. She helped him break out of some of his dark and brooding moods while he challenged her to do better in her classes. Aside from the usual quarrels they had a very good relationship going on until she caught him cuddling with a fellow classmate. It was actually a Solario contact but Sam never knew. When Eddie went to Sam's apartment to apologize her father, recognizing that he was a Solerio mob member kicked him out, helped Sam change all her locks, phone numbers, get a guard dog and transfer schools. And here I am torn. How truly did Eddie feel for Sam? What ever his feelings, he left her alone after getting thrown out. Now he is focused on becoming the best mob boss possible. He has three very loyal followers in Mitch Linguine, Vinnie ‘Pasta Fingers’ Spaghetti and Guido Costa. It is with this trio that he botches the A) theft of an art piece and B) killing of Joey Mastroni (he does kill him but it is done in a public area and he is recognized), thus prompting the beginning of the story.
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Flynn Traven |

Edward Solerio aka Eddie Helios - Ah, the main villain! Eddie and Sam met in high school when he was trying to live a more 'normal' life, though at that time they were mostly acquaintances. Their friends had teased them that they made a perfect pair, he was dark haired and dark eyed, she fair haired and fair eyed but both were tough. They continued their friendship into college where they finally admitted to mutual attraction and began dating. She helped him break out of some of his dark and brooding moods while he challenged her to do better in her classes. Aside from the usual quarrels they had a very good relationship going on until she caught him cuddling with a fellow classmate. It was actually a Solario contact but Sam never knew. When Eddie went to Sam's apartment to apologize her father, recognizing that he was a Solerio mob member kicked him out, helped Sam change all her locks, phone numbers, get a guard dog and transfer schools. And here I am torn. How truly did Eddie feel for Sam? What ever his feelings, he left her alone after getting thrown out. Now he is focused on becoming the best mob boss possible. He has three very loyal followers in Mitch Linguine, Vinnie ‘Pasta Fingers’ Spaghetti and Guido Costa. It is with this trio that he botches the A) theft of an art piece and B) killing of Joey Mastroni (he does kill him but it is done in a public area and he is recognized), thus prompting the beginning of the story.
Dominic Luca - The US Marshall in charge of Sam's case. Whenever Sam is in a city other than New York she is under the protection of the local US Marshalls office but ultimately both they and she report back to him. Sam is only his fourth witness to go into hiding from the New York mob and his last one didn't go so well (the witness ended up dead before the trial) so he is very vigilant with Sam, much to her irritation. He may or may not end up being a leak by the end. I haven't decided yet. Depends on if it fits the way the story is going by the end. :)
Where ever his loyalty lies, Dom is a charming, affable man and a social chameleon, a necessary trait when dealing with witness cover stories. Sam tells everyone he's an ex boyfriend who likes to check up on her and they have fun making their back story as outrageous as possible with each person they meet.
These are most of my original characters, or at least the ones that play the biggest part in what I have written thus far.
And an update on story title ideas to date. The Hunt for Sam, The Changling (though I think that title has been taken by a movie with a rather famous actress), Samtastic, and Driven.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
NaNoWriMo 2011
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Samantha Donnlaoch |
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Sam as Katelyn Miller |
Little does she know that this gem on wheels she gets to drive is an Autobot named Downshift, whose long range comm system is damaged, preventing him from contacting his fellow Transformers. Downshift is eventually tracked down by NEST and the background check they run on his new driver coupled with events that happen in the next few days send Sam on the run again. Sam is very proud of her driving skills, so proud that she is willing to participate in a televised race against her fellow race track employees, despite the warnings of her handler. Needless to say Solario men recognize her and a shoot out occurs.
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Sam as Madison Callghan |
This story did not start out with any Transformer crossovers at all though I did plan cameos from TV shows such as Castle, White Collar, Necessary Roughness, In Plain Sight, Big Bang Theory (Penny is a briefly mentioned cousin), Adam 12 (her cab's call sign), and SWAT (several character names/looks). There is even a homage to Hunt for Red October where she stops off in Montana and meets Vasily, his plump American wife and their pack of rabbits.
I could use everyone's help in coming up with a title for this cross country, multi identity, TV universe spanning adventure! Any ideas? Also, how do you pronounce her last name: Donnlaoch? I am curious to see if the way I pronounce it is the way others do.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Leap 023 - Vacations
Endless waves of
Rolling grey water
Waving golden grass
Cold wind buffeting shell collectors
Grey skies dotted with blue
Rain soaked shores
Breezes wafting sulfur over the boardwalk
Blue skies dotted with clouds
Eagles perched in the snags
Tourists watching the bison
Tourists watching tourists
Seagulls watching the tourists
It was a better idea in my head, combining two of our most common vacation spots: the Oregon coast and Yellowstone National Park. -headdesk- I swear I'll get better at this.
Poetic Friday,
It's December!
Wow! I'm back from the marathon that was November. I participated in NaNoWriMo and made the commitment to put in 50 hours as an auxiliary pioneer. Phew. It wouldn't have been too bad ... if things went exactly as I planned ... but when does that happen? Hah. Anyways. I ended the month with 43 hours in and 20.7k words. Whoot! I'll introduce my new cast of characters and plot in the next post.
My family and I want to the beach (Seaside) for a couple of days and stayed in a beach house, which was great except for when the heater conked out. Thankfully it was the last night we were there and they had a gas fireplace. I actually woke up warmer that morning than any others! One of the days we were there it rained BUCKETS! Ok, so buckets weren't rea;;u fa;o ... <- that's what happens when I sneeze and type at the same time. Anyways. Buckets weren't really falling from the sky but in the five seconds it took to get from the car to the building our family got soaked. And on a random note, we found a big kitchen spoon on the beach and brought it home.
After the insanity known as November I took yesterday (December 1st) off. The world did not exist yesterday. Today things begin again. :D
My family and I want to the beach (Seaside) for a couple of days and stayed in a beach house, which was great except for when the heater conked out. Thankfully it was the last night we were there and they had a gas fireplace. I actually woke up warmer that morning than any others! One of the days we were there it rained BUCKETS! Ok, so buckets weren't rea;;u fa;o ... <- that's what happens when I sneeze and type at the same time. Anyways. Buckets weren't really falling from the sky but in the five seconds it took to get from the car to the building our family got soaked. And on a random note, we found a big kitchen spoon on the beach and brought it home.
After the insanity known as November I took yesterday (December 1st) off. The world did not exist yesterday. Today things begin again. :D
Friday, September 30, 2011
Leap 22 - Euphoria
Wind in my face
Butterflies in my stomach
Hair flying
Warm wind
Snuggling with my puppy
Inferno Cone
Snowball fights
Laughing with my sisters
Lori, Lys, and Jay
Giant coconut trees affecting the Earth's rotation
Eating in the chem lab
Quiet communion
Wood smoke
That stillness when no one else is awake
Silent summer sunrise
First rains of April
Dancing in the warm rain
Told you it would be happier.
Wind in my face
Butterflies in my stomach
Hair flying
Warm wind
Snuggling with my puppy
Inferno Cone
Snowball fights
Laughing with my sisters
Lori, Lys, and Jay
Giant coconut trees affecting the Earth's rotation
Eating in the chem lab
Quiet communion
Wood smoke
That stillness when no one else is awake
Silent summer sunrise
First rains of April
Dancing in the warm rain
Told you it would be happier.
Poetic Friday,
Leap 21 - Melancholia
A hawk's cry
Slowly fading
Grey clouds without rain
The fiftieth day of rain
Lonely indoors
No one there
Watching from the sidelines
Country songs
Never knowing
Not knowing
That time when
I knew them when
When I was ...
Why can't I be that now?
As I was searching for things to write about I realized how melancholy my thoughts were, but living off of King Arhtur fanfics for a week and listening to country songs can do that to a person. I decided I needed to get it out in a stream of consciousness (which is a nice way of saying brain vomit) sort of way. I promise to make the next one happy.
Slowly fading
Grey clouds without rain
The fiftieth day of rain
Lonely indoors
No one there
Watching from the sidelines
Country songs
Never knowing
Not knowing
That time when
I knew them when
When I was ...
Why can't I be that now?
As I was searching for things to write about I realized how melancholy my thoughts were, but living off of King Arhtur fanfics for a week and listening to country songs can do that to a person. I decided I needed to get it out in a stream of consciousness (which is a nice way of saying brain vomit) sort of way. I promise to make the next one happy.
Leap 20 - Angry Bird
It's Poetic Friday so without further ado ...
Little hummingbird
Hovering in shaded yard
Stop yelling at me
My first haiku! And I seriously did have a hummingbird yell at me last week. I was dogsitting for another friend and as I was standing on their front porch I heard this high pitched chatter, like Flit from Pocahontas. I looked around until I saw the hummingbird (sitting in a tree at the time). I retired to the chair on the other end of the porch from the feeder but it swooped down and gave another tirade until I went inside.
Little hummingbird
Hovering in shaded yard
Stop yelling at me
My first haiku! And I seriously did have a hummingbird yell at me last week. I was dogsitting for another friend and as I was standing on their front porch I heard this high pitched chatter, like Flit from Pocahontas. I looked around until I saw the hummingbird (sitting in a tree at the time). I retired to the chair on the other end of the porch from the feeder but it swooped down and gave another tirade until I went inside.
I have internet again! And sitting up no longer makes me feel ill!
I am apartment/dog sitting so I have the place to myself and the dog is sleeping. Let's see how many Leaps I can get done.
I am apartment/dog sitting so I have the place to myself and the dog is sleeping. Let's see how many Leaps I can get done.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Leap 019 - Andraste Barrister
Character Name: Andraste (Andie) Barrister
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): Spy/Thriller
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Average height and body type with a face somewhere between stunning and average. Strong jawline, blue-grey eyes, honey blonde hair with waves. Every move she makes is economical and has a purpose when she's on the clock.
One Line Description of Character: Corporate espionage specialist who is in danger of letting her heart decide
Tell Us About the Character: For many years Andraste could not forgive her parents for such a name, but as she ages she begins to take pride in being an individual, a very smart and sometimes 'invincible' individual. She was in her mid twenties when she foiled a disgruntled ex-employee's plan to ruin Majestic Inc on the world market. Her quick wit, ability to improvise, and quiet efficiency caught the eye of Majestic Inc's espionage team and she was quietly recruited shortly thereafter. Now she spends her days 'working' for various rivals under several assumed names which, in homage to her parents who helped her become who she is, are all Celt based. Her work for the espionage department has called her to the attention of the FBI and they will soon approach her with an assignment. Will she accept?
What's her deepest secret? She likes to spend every Friday night in pink pajamas and pigtails while watching old movies.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/466515.html
I realize I missed the past two days, it's been crazy. Thankfully tomorrow will be a bit calmer and I can catch up. :)
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): Spy/Thriller
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Average height and body type with a face somewhere between stunning and average. Strong jawline, blue-grey eyes, honey blonde hair with waves. Every move she makes is economical and has a purpose when she's on the clock.
One Line Description of Character: Corporate espionage specialist who is in danger of letting her heart decide
Tell Us About the Character: For many years Andraste could not forgive her parents for such a name, but as she ages she begins to take pride in being an individual, a very smart and sometimes 'invincible' individual. She was in her mid twenties when she foiled a disgruntled ex-employee's plan to ruin Majestic Inc on the world market. Her quick wit, ability to improvise, and quiet efficiency caught the eye of Majestic Inc's espionage team and she was quietly recruited shortly thereafter. Now she spends her days 'working' for various rivals under several assumed names which, in homage to her parents who helped her become who she is, are all Celt based. Her work for the espionage department has called her to the attention of the FBI and they will soon approach her with an assignment. Will she accept?
What's her deepest secret? She likes to spend every Friday night in pink pajamas and pigtails while watching old movies.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/466515.html
I realize I missed the past two days, it's been crazy. Thankfully tomorrow will be a bit calmer and I can catch up. :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Leap 018 - World of Stone
Song: World of Stone by Blackmore's Night
When Eoin Bowman ducked through the doorway, the only sound in the small house was the whisper of steel on stone as his wife Rowan sharpened her dagger. She looked up and sad, resigned grey eyes met determined brown before he wiped a weary hand across his dirt stained face.
"There will be no swaying you, will there?" his voice rumbled across the scarred oak table.
"I will stand by you, husband," she replied evenly, sheathing her dagger alongside it's mate in her belt as she rose to replace the whet stone in it's place by the fire. Her husband watched as she tided the main room, moving wooden toys and tucking in a rag doll, it's smile not fitting the somber mood. Completing her circuit of the room, slung a quiver of fletched arrows over her shoulder, took up the crossbow leaning next to the door and stepped next to her husband of eight years. Gently she rested a cheek on his broad chest, listening to his heartbeat as he wrapped her in a tight embrace, pressing his lips to the top of her curly head. They stood in quiet communion, content with simple contact, for several long moments before a pounding came on their door.
"Eoin! Your presence is required at the tavern!" came Geordie's raucous voice, before the door opened to reveal his grinning blonde face. From the looks of him, he had already visited said establishment before coming to summon his friend for their 'last drink'; Geordie was forgiven this jockularity however, as he could sober almost immediately when a fight was upon him. The quirks of being a soldier for so long.
"Oh. Hello Rowan darling. Gathering your last few things?"
"Aye, my arrows and crossbow," she replied, slipping past their deceptively thin friend into the dusk.
"I thought ..." Geordie spluttered, looking to Eion as the larger man shut the door of his home for what could be the final time. A grim smile played across Eion's face.
"I married a stubborn woman, friend. She will not follow the other healers and has sent our children with her sister and mother."
"I will not stand by as our home is attacked," Rowan's voice drifted back to the men. "I have died a thousand times, watching those injured by our enemy slowly fade away, leaving children like our own with no one to protect them. Today I avenge them and offer myself that such pain may end here."
No more was said until the trio stepped into the warm glow of the tavern, greeted by friends old and new, so many gathered to face the hoard that would attack at dawn. When darkness fell the fort commander rose, holding his goblet aloft for silence.
"Brothers and strong sisters, we stand here as a last defense. I drink this toast to you," Liam's strong baritone filled the warm room. "Bring me mead and bring me ale to help us face this fight again. Good fortune will shine down on us, together we will win, and they will never break out spirit, we will never turn and run, and we will rise strong still when we stand as one!"
"When we stand as one," came the echo. Quietly they all sat, thinking of those they had lost in the battles before, murmuring to one another, the voices gradually growing loud again as tales of loss and tales of laughter flew.
The defenders had lasted another hour or so before separating to steal a few moments of rest or complete preparations for the coming battle. Stars were just beginning to fade when Eoin, Rowan and Geordie mounted the battlements together, taking their places with the archers and slingers. The fires of their enemies shone in the fading darkness, nearly blotting out the stars that Rowan stared up at as she prayed for the safety of their children, seven year old Muireann, five year old Niall, and three year old Oran. As the drums began across the plain Rowan's hand slipped in Eoin's and there it stayed until the command came.
"Archers, draw bow!"
I immediately saw this very strong, stubborn woman with wild, dark auburn curls, standing next to her husband in the last defense of their home when I first heard this song. The story doesn't capture all of what I see in my head but it turned out longer than I intended, which is a good thing. I've been reading a lot of King Arthur fanfiction lately which influenced the location and events somewhat, placing the last stand in a stone fort rather than a home in a small village. The woman whose picture I used up there is Dawn Bradfield in her role as Vanora in King Arthur. I saw a combination of she and Alex Kingston as Boudica from Warrior Queen.
Listen to the song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qHdAOKoL18

"There will be no swaying you, will there?" his voice rumbled across the scarred oak table.
"I will stand by you, husband," she replied evenly, sheathing her dagger alongside it's mate in her belt as she rose to replace the whet stone in it's place by the fire. Her husband watched as she tided the main room, moving wooden toys and tucking in a rag doll, it's smile not fitting the somber mood. Completing her circuit of the room, slung a quiver of fletched arrows over her shoulder, took up the crossbow leaning next to the door and stepped next to her husband of eight years. Gently she rested a cheek on his broad chest, listening to his heartbeat as he wrapped her in a tight embrace, pressing his lips to the top of her curly head. They stood in quiet communion, content with simple contact, for several long moments before a pounding came on their door.
"Eoin! Your presence is required at the tavern!" came Geordie's raucous voice, before the door opened to reveal his grinning blonde face. From the looks of him, he had already visited said establishment before coming to summon his friend for their 'last drink'; Geordie was forgiven this jockularity however, as he could sober almost immediately when a fight was upon him. The quirks of being a soldier for so long.
"Oh. Hello Rowan darling. Gathering your last few things?"
"Aye, my arrows and crossbow," she replied, slipping past their deceptively thin friend into the dusk.
"I thought ..." Geordie spluttered, looking to Eion as the larger man shut the door of his home for what could be the final time. A grim smile played across Eion's face.
"I married a stubborn woman, friend. She will not follow the other healers and has sent our children with her sister and mother."
"I will not stand by as our home is attacked," Rowan's voice drifted back to the men. "I have died a thousand times, watching those injured by our enemy slowly fade away, leaving children like our own with no one to protect them. Today I avenge them and offer myself that such pain may end here."
No more was said until the trio stepped into the warm glow of the tavern, greeted by friends old and new, so many gathered to face the hoard that would attack at dawn. When darkness fell the fort commander rose, holding his goblet aloft for silence.
"Brothers and strong sisters, we stand here as a last defense. I drink this toast to you," Liam's strong baritone filled the warm room. "Bring me mead and bring me ale to help us face this fight again. Good fortune will shine down on us, together we will win, and they will never break out spirit, we will never turn and run, and we will rise strong still when we stand as one!"
"When we stand as one," came the echo. Quietly they all sat, thinking of those they had lost in the battles before, murmuring to one another, the voices gradually growing loud again as tales of loss and tales of laughter flew.
The defenders had lasted another hour or so before separating to steal a few moments of rest or complete preparations for the coming battle. Stars were just beginning to fade when Eoin, Rowan and Geordie mounted the battlements together, taking their places with the archers and slingers. The fires of their enemies shone in the fading darkness, nearly blotting out the stars that Rowan stared up at as she prayed for the safety of their children, seven year old Muireann, five year old Niall, and three year old Oran. As the drums began across the plain Rowan's hand slipped in Eoin's and there it stayed until the command came.
"Archers, draw bow!"
I immediately saw this very strong, stubborn woman with wild, dark auburn curls, standing next to her husband in the last defense of their home when I first heard this song. The story doesn't capture all of what I see in my head but it turned out longer than I intended, which is a good thing. I've been reading a lot of King Arthur fanfiction lately which influenced the location and events somewhat, placing the last stand in a stone fort rather than a home in a small village. The woman whose picture I used up there is Dawn Bradfield in her role as Vanora in King Arthur. I saw a combination of she and Alex Kingston as Boudica from Warrior Queen.
Listen to the song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qHdAOKoL18
Leap 017 - Mah Girlies
Since I'm going to spend Sundays working on my established characters I figured I should introduce them to you. Without further ado ...
Rayella 'Rae' Cathrine Éowyn McGinty
Fandom: DC comics
Physical Description: Reddish-brown hair, grey eyes. Long, thin face. 5' 5" Athletic build from working out. Average, not flat but not uber-curvy. She has several scars, including one at the base of her hairline that is visible when she has her hair up, as she usually does.
What's so special about her?: Before birth, her mother messed with her DNA, giving her the ability to communicate with animals, first on an empathic, then telepathic level. As she ages she continues to learn and gain new abilities, including shapeshifting, limited touch healing with animals, limited touch telepathy with humans, and mental telepathy with humans she's had a great deal of contact with. Because of these abilities, and her aptitude in gymnastics, she was asked to be a Teen Titan when they encountered her beating up the animal rights group breaking into her father's veterinary practice. And because of these abilities and her personality, she was selected to be a Guardian of Terran Animals.
Family: Bruce Edmond McGinty (father), Scarlett Adelle Beauford Warren Talltree McGinty (mother, she's been married a few times), Daniel Christopher (older half-brother), Terra Eleanor (younger sister), Holly Kaelyn (younger sister), Cole Andrew (younger brother), Garth (ex-husband), Audrey (clone), Merlin Adonis (son), Naida Cyrene (daughter), and other family (including cousins named Brian, Patrick and Morgan!)
Alloria 'Lori' Rose Martin
Fandom: Outsiders
Physical Description: Red, slightly wavy hair, hazel eyes. Short and slight with a build that causes most people to assume that she is younger than she really is. Nose has a light dusting of freckles that come out strongly in the summer.
What's so special about her?: Lori's father was a lawyer and so she was born into a 'soc' family, but they never stood for such pretensions. Plus her brother rebelled and joined a gang with Tim Sheppard in high school. After her father dies from cancer and her brother disappears (presumed dead), Lori, her mother and sister relocate to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cue Curtis brothers and friends! Someday she will marry Darry. I just know it. :)
Family: Andrew James Martin (father), Erin Lily Martin (mother), Alexander Prescott Martin (older brother), Alyssa Hope Martin (younger sister)
Senya Celebrain Von

Fandom: Star Trek
Physical Description: Dark reddish brown hair, black eyes, barely rimmed with brown
What's so special about her?: Being a Betazoid-Vulcan hybrid means that telepathically she is off the charts, physically very strong, and very intelligent. Her mother is an ex-Starfleet officer which prompts Senya to join Starfleet in time to be classmates of Chakotay, LaForge and Riker. In the course of her career she serves on the USS Enterprise under Picard, USS Sabre under her aunt Feryl, and on several covert exoanthropology missions before she finally commands her own ship.
Family: Setek (father), Skye Kor Von (mother), Seleste Nida Von (sister), Sypher Blythe Von (sister), Skon son of Sabek (bond-mate/husband), Feryal Tol Karna (maternal aunt)
I take credit for none of the artwork except the little Senya, which I made on an online doll maker forever ago.
Rayella 'Rae' Cathrine Éowyn McGinty

Physical Description: Reddish-brown hair, grey eyes. Long, thin face. 5' 5" Athletic build from working out. Average, not flat but not uber-curvy. She has several scars, including one at the base of her hairline that is visible when she has her hair up, as she usually does.
What's so special about her?: Before birth, her mother messed with her DNA, giving her the ability to communicate with animals, first on an empathic, then telepathic level. As she ages she continues to learn and gain new abilities, including shapeshifting, limited touch healing with animals, limited touch telepathy with humans, and mental telepathy with humans she's had a great deal of contact with. Because of these abilities, and her aptitude in gymnastics, she was asked to be a Teen Titan when they encountered her beating up the animal rights group breaking into her father's veterinary practice. And because of these abilities and her personality, she was selected to be a Guardian of Terran Animals.
Family: Bruce Edmond McGinty (father), Scarlett Adelle Beauford Warren Talltree McGinty (mother, she's been married a few times), Daniel Christopher (older half-brother), Terra Eleanor (younger sister), Holly Kaelyn (younger sister), Cole Andrew (younger brother), Garth (ex-husband), Audrey (clone), Merlin Adonis (son), Naida Cyrene (daughter), and other family (including cousins named Brian, Patrick and Morgan!)
Alloria 'Lori' Rose Martin
Physical Description: Red, slightly wavy hair, hazel eyes. Short and slight with a build that causes most people to assume that she is younger than she really is. Nose has a light dusting of freckles that come out strongly in the summer.
What's so special about her?: Lori's father was a lawyer and so she was born into a 'soc' family, but they never stood for such pretensions. Plus her brother rebelled and joined a gang with Tim Sheppard in high school. After her father dies from cancer and her brother disappears (presumed dead), Lori, her mother and sister relocate to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cue Curtis brothers and friends! Someday she will marry Darry. I just know it. :)
Family: Andrew James Martin (father), Erin Lily Martin (mother), Alexander Prescott Martin (older brother), Alyssa Hope Martin (younger sister)
Senya Celebrain Von

Physical Description: Dark reddish brown hair, black eyes, barely rimmed with brown
What's so special about her?: Being a Betazoid-Vulcan hybrid means that telepathically she is off the charts, physically very strong, and very intelligent. Her mother is an ex-Starfleet officer which prompts Senya to join Starfleet in time to be classmates of Chakotay, LaForge and Riker. In the course of her career she serves on the USS Enterprise under Picard, USS Sabre under her aunt Feryl, and on several covert exoanthropology missions before she finally commands her own ship.
Family: Setek (father), Skye Kor Von (mother), Seleste Nida Von (sister), Sypher Blythe Von (sister), Skon son of Sabek (bond-mate/husband), Feryal Tol Karna (maternal aunt)
I take credit for none of the artwork except the little Senya, which I made on an online doll maker forever ago.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Leap 016 - Landingfeld, Oregon
What is this Place Called and Where is it?: This place is called Landingfeld Base and is located somewhere in the middle of nowhere near the Oregon/Idaho border.
Genre of Story: SciFi
Describe the Place in Your Own Words: Rather unassuming place on the surface, everyone assumes Landingfeld is for military exercises and views any activity with smug ignorance. Little do the inhabitants of nearby Primquies know that the vast plains, marked intermittently with white paint into parking lots and runways, hide a vast underground hub of activity. Because of it's proximity to the Idaho border there is little rain, few clouds, and many clear nights, granting visibility to inhabitants and visitors alike.
What Happens at this Place in the Story?: This is where our hero learns about the three worlds: ours, a world much smaller in scale (Aliq), and one much larger (Ample). Afterall, why not learn about it in the place where they all come together?
What's a Day Like Here? This is the Grand Central Station of interplanetary/inter-dimensional travel. What do you think? Busy! People of all sizes coming and going, making and renegotiating deals.
Who lost the bag? Mary Littleglove, Trade Ambassador from the Ample people. Notice that it is the width of a semi truck parking place.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/474412.html
Genre of Story: SciFi
Describe the Place in Your Own Words: Rather unassuming place on the surface, everyone assumes Landingfeld is for military exercises and views any activity with smug ignorance. Little do the inhabitants of nearby Primquies know that the vast plains, marked intermittently with white paint into parking lots and runways, hide a vast underground hub of activity. Because of it's proximity to the Idaho border there is little rain, few clouds, and many clear nights, granting visibility to inhabitants and visitors alike.
What Happens at this Place in the Story?: This is where our hero learns about the three worlds: ours, a world much smaller in scale (Aliq), and one much larger (Ample). Afterall, why not learn about it in the place where they all come together?
What's a Day Like Here? This is the Grand Central Station of interplanetary/inter-dimensional travel. What do you think? Busy! People of all sizes coming and going, making and renegotiating deals.
Who lost the bag? Mary Littleglove, Trade Ambassador from the Ample people. Notice that it is the width of a semi truck parking place.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/474412.html
Friday, September 16, 2011
Leap 015 - Graceful Dancers Redux
Graceful Dancers
Graceful dancers,
I am clumsy in Oxfords.
Little birds,
I cannot fly.
I can sing;
But I am no Prima Donna .
I can think;
But I am not Aristotle.
I can dance;
But I am no ballerina.
I have a pen;
But I cannot write.
I wrote the original version of this poem May 2006 in my Creative Writing Class and I feel it expresses my frustration nicely. Then and now I see people around me who excel at things all their own. I have talent in many areas but none that I myself excel in. I'm an artistic jack of all trades. The first four lines didn't fit with the rest of the poem. They still don't flow as they ought to but it's better than it was.
Graceful dancers,
I am clumsy in Oxfords.
Little birds,
I cannot fly.
I can sing;
But I am no Prima Donna .
I can think;
But I am not Aristotle.
I can dance;
But I am no ballerina.
I have a pen;
But I cannot write.
I wrote the original version of this poem May 2006 in my Creative Writing Class and I feel it expresses my frustration nicely. Then and now I see people around me who excel at things all their own. I have talent in many areas but none that I myself excel in. I'm an artistic jack of all trades. The first four lines didn't fit with the rest of the poem. They still don't flow as they ought to but it's better than it was.
So, I realized that I was going about this all willy-nilly, that I had no plan. I considered several options and finally settled on this weekly outline. I reserve the right to change my mind (I am female after all) but I'm going to give this a try.

Musical Monday
On Mondays I will put my music library on random and what ever song comes up first is it! I can chose to base my Leap on the title, lyrics or both.
Tag Tuesday
A set time to work on or share the Tag that Cat and I are working on. That's a picture of my character, Joanna Capall.
Character Prompt Wednesday
I like Character a Day prompts so ... I'll do a character a week.

Anything Can Happen Thursday
Inspired by the awesomeness that is Sheldon Cooper. A day to do whatever I so please! This is about me after all. :) But you get a say too, is there anything you'd like me to write about? Let met know!
Poetic Friday
I promise to try and mix up the poem types. It can't all be acrostic, villanelle or organic. :) I may even attempt another sonnet just for you folks.
Prompted Saturday
I'll use an item/scene/location prompt from CAD or one from the writing books I have. Simple enough ... one would think.

Established Sunday
And Sunday I will work on one of my handful of established works-in-progress: Senya, Rayella McGinty and Alloria Martin.

Musical Monday
On Mondays I will put my music library on random and what ever song comes up first is it! I can chose to base my Leap on the title, lyrics or both.
Tag Tuesday
A set time to work on or share the Tag that Cat and I are working on. That's a picture of my character, Joanna Capall.
Character Prompt Wednesday
I like Character a Day prompts so ... I'll do a character a week.

Anything Can Happen Thursday
Inspired by the awesomeness that is Sheldon Cooper. A day to do whatever I so please! This is about me after all. :) But you get a say too, is there anything you'd like me to write about? Let met know!
Poetic Friday
I promise to try and mix up the poem types. It can't all be acrostic, villanelle or organic. :) I may even attempt another sonnet just for you folks.
Prompted Saturday
I'll use an item/scene/location prompt from CAD or one from the writing books I have. Simple enough ... one would think.

Established Sunday
And Sunday I will work on one of my handful of established works-in-progress: Senya, Rayella McGinty and Alloria Martin.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Leap 014 - Areli Leonidas
Character Name: Adam Areli Leonidas
Genre: Fantasy
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Early to mid twenties. Slim face and body, strong jaw. Leonine nose bracketed by brown-gold eyes. Sandy blonde curly hair, kept short.
One Line Description of Character: He a lion shapeshifter who just became a lawyer.
Tell Us About the Character: Called Adam by the unaware, Areli grew up knowing what it is to be different. His family has had big cat shapeshifters for centuries (as evidenced by their family name, which means lion) but they've hid it for just as long. Areli was given a standard education through middle school, after which he entered an accelerated high school. He showed an aptitude for law (he's been arguing and negotiating with his parents since he was two) and entered college while others were still in high school. He isn't thrilled to have the gene but must admit it helps in gauging witnesses and the jury.
How often does he wear a tie? When he has a big court case or a case that he is confident about, it has little lions on it. :3
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/465615.html
Genre: Fantasy
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Early to mid twenties. Slim face and body, strong jaw. Leonine nose bracketed by brown-gold eyes. Sandy blonde curly hair, kept short.
One Line Description of Character: He a lion shapeshifter who just became a lawyer.
Tell Us About the Character: Called Adam by the unaware, Areli grew up knowing what it is to be different. His family has had big cat shapeshifters for centuries (as evidenced by their family name, which means lion) but they've hid it for just as long. Areli was given a standard education through middle school, after which he entered an accelerated high school. He showed an aptitude for law (he's been arguing and negotiating with his parents since he was two) and entered college while others were still in high school. He isn't thrilled to have the gene but must admit it helps in gauging witnesses and the jury.
How often does he wear a tie? When he has a big court case or a case that he is confident about, it has little lions on it. :3
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/465615.html
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Leap 013 - Character Prompt
Character Name: Miranda Estelle Hinds
Genre: Adventure (naturally)/fantasy
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Miri is a sprite of a child with tumbles of dirty blonde curls. A lively smile always seems to dance around her twinkling green eyes and pert little nose which is dusted with freckles after long days in the sun.
One Line Description of Character: Carefree and mischievous, Miri loves the sea and plans on staying there her entire life.
Tell Us About the Character: Miri is the daughter of a lady pirate and an adventurer though she's rarely seen her father as she's spent most of her life on board her mother's ship. When in port she enjoys playing with the warf rats (as in children), swindling them out of their knick knacks and causing innocent mischief. Someday she plans on being the captain of her own fleet of ships.
What's her preferred plunder? The boys' marbles
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/464990.html
Genre: Adventure (naturally)/fantasy
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Miri is a sprite of a child with tumbles of dirty blonde curls. A lively smile always seems to dance around her twinkling green eyes and pert little nose which is dusted with freckles after long days in the sun.
One Line Description of Character: Carefree and mischievous, Miri loves the sea and plans on staying there her entire life.
Tell Us About the Character: Miri is the daughter of a lady pirate and an adventurer though she's rarely seen her father as she's spent most of her life on board her mother's ship. When in port she enjoys playing with the warf rats (as in children), swindling them out of their knick knacks and causing innocent mischief. Someday she plans on being the captain of her own fleet of ships.
What's her preferred plunder? The boys' marbles
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/464990.html
Monday, August 15, 2011
Leap 012 - Character Prompt
Character Name: Nolan Bradshaw
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): Mystery/Western
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Nolan is aging but still has some of the handsome charm that attracted his wife to him, as well as most of his thick dark brown hair. Grey eyes are set above a strong nose and well rounded chin. His body, no longer as fit as it once was, is still strong from a life of hard work on the range. His fashion favors striped shirts, blue jeans and cowboy boots, despite being the ranch owner.
One Line Description of Character: Owner of a ranch and now a winery, Nolan Bradshaw remembers what it was like to work the range and is fair to his workers as well as a shrewd businessman but indiscretions in his past may be coming back to haunt him.
Tell Us About the Character: See one line description.
What was the toast? To the success of his new winery.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/464006.html
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): Mystery/Western
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Nolan is aging but still has some of the handsome charm that attracted his wife to him, as well as most of his thick dark brown hair. Grey eyes are set above a strong nose and well rounded chin. His body, no longer as fit as it once was, is still strong from a life of hard work on the range. His fashion favors striped shirts, blue jeans and cowboy boots, despite being the ranch owner.
One Line Description of Character: Owner of a ranch and now a winery, Nolan Bradshaw remembers what it was like to work the range and is fair to his workers as well as a shrewd businessman but indiscretions in his past may be coming back to haunt him.
Tell Us About the Character: See one line description.
What was the toast? To the success of his new winery.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/464006.html
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Leap 011
She was pure exhilaration as she raced through the woods, so long had it been since she could race, unhindered through her natural element. Small ground prey scattered from her lithe form, birds flew with her and squirrels watched as she darted past, chattering once she was out of range. Flashing brown and reddish brown she ignored them as she gave into the hunger for the run.
She could have raced for much longer but a stream too wide to leap confronted her, offering it’s cool water to her heated limbs. Slowly she drank her fill, watching the dapples of sunlight on the water. Small fish came to investigate a fallen leaf but fled when the ripples from her thirst made it sink.
Refreshed she rose, dirt, twigs and leaves falling from her as she jogged once more into the undergrowth. More slowly she moved now, with more purpose. The scent of rabbits had drifted downstream along with the leaf and her stomach growled its impatience, reminding her of another hunger.
I've purposely only allowed you glimpses of this character. What do you see?
She could have raced for much longer but a stream too wide to leap confronted her, offering it’s cool water to her heated limbs. Slowly she drank her fill, watching the dapples of sunlight on the water. Small fish came to investigate a fallen leaf but fled when the ripples from her thirst made it sink.
Refreshed she rose, dirt, twigs and leaves falling from her as she jogged once more into the undergrowth. More slowly she moved now, with more purpose. The scent of rabbits had drifted downstream along with the leaf and her stomach growled its impatience, reminding her of another hunger.
I've purposely only allowed you glimpses of this character. What do you see?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Leap 010
Character Name: Erin Peppler/ Missy DeVault
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): Spy/superhero
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Erin is on the short side at 5' 2". She has an average body but toned arms, one of which bears a blue sparrow. Her slim, angular face has a natural beauty and clear blue eyes. Her hair is naturally brown but she usually has on a hot pink wig with black and sparkly highlights.
One Line Description of Character: Superspy masquerading as a gymnastics teacher.
Tell Us About the Character: Erin lives in a quaint little white farmhouse, drives a Subaru Outback and teaches little kids the basics of gymnastics ... or that's what her neighbors think. What they don't see is the multi-tunnel escape route, command center, panic room and vast arsenal under the house. Or the mini chopper pad that rises out of her backyard. Or her vast closet of clothes, shoes, face changing putty and rainbow of natural toned wigs. Erin has been a gymnast since age four and had been to the Olympics twice by age seventeen, when the CIA approached her after her college level psychology class. For the next three years she was trained by the Agency, who encouraged her to continue her father's tradition of wearing bright wigs to compete. The world was horrified when twenty one year old Erin suffered an "accident" during her training for the next Olympics and announced that while she would be regain most of her flexibility she would no longer be able to compete professionally. She was kept to low profile cases for the next few years as her notoriety wore off but once she was able to enter the field fully she quickly made a (fake) name for herself as an efficient and top notch spy.
How often does she wear the wig? Ironically the flashy wig and fake sparrow tattoo are part of her day to day disguise. It's her sleek brown hair that strikes fear into her fellow agents.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/462988.html
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): Spy/superhero
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Erin is on the short side at 5' 2". She has an average body but toned arms, one of which bears a blue sparrow. Her slim, angular face has a natural beauty and clear blue eyes. Her hair is naturally brown but she usually has on a hot pink wig with black and sparkly highlights.
One Line Description of Character: Superspy masquerading as a gymnastics teacher.
Tell Us About the Character: Erin lives in a quaint little white farmhouse, drives a Subaru Outback and teaches little kids the basics of gymnastics ... or that's what her neighbors think. What they don't see is the multi-tunnel escape route, command center, panic room and vast arsenal under the house. Or the mini chopper pad that rises out of her backyard. Or her vast closet of clothes, shoes, face changing putty and rainbow of natural toned wigs. Erin has been a gymnast since age four and had been to the Olympics twice by age seventeen, when the CIA approached her after her college level psychology class. For the next three years she was trained by the Agency, who encouraged her to continue her father's tradition of wearing bright wigs to compete. The world was horrified when twenty one year old Erin suffered an "accident" during her training for the next Olympics and announced that while she would be regain most of her flexibility she would no longer be able to compete professionally. She was kept to low profile cases for the next few years as her notoriety wore off but once she was able to enter the field fully she quickly made a (fake) name for herself as an efficient and top notch spy.
How often does she wear the wig? Ironically the flashy wig and fake sparrow tattoo are part of her day to day disguise. It's her sleek brown hair that strikes fear into her fellow agents.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/462988.html
Leap 009
Character Name: Hannah and Annabelle Hershey
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): ??
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Hannie and Bellie are both petite six and half year old twins with hazel eyes. Hannah has darker red hair than her sister who is more of a strawberry blonde. They enjoy dressing alike in various shades of blue, pink and purple.
One Line Description of Character: Hannah and Annabelle Hershey are playful and sugar hungry, beginning to display different traits despite their shared genetics and heiresses to the black sheep side of the Hershey empire.
Tell Us About the Character: ... I just did. As they grow into adulthood they begin to plan their take over of Hershey, spurred on by stories of the injustices that the successful part of the Hershey family visited upon their less fortunate cousins.
When will they stop dressing alike? When they are teenagers Hannah will dress in plain, earthy outfits and occasionally dabble in goth/emo clothes (though not the lifestyle). Annabelle will wear preppy clothes with lots of pink and ice blue. After their teen years however they will open a cupcake bakery together and will be in uniforms or similarly cut business suits, matching again.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/462349.html
Genre (type of story you'd put them in): ??
Describe the Character Physically in Your Own Words: Hannie and Bellie are both petite six and half year old twins with hazel eyes. Hannah has darker red hair than her sister who is more of a strawberry blonde. They enjoy dressing alike in various shades of blue, pink and purple.
One Line Description of Character: Hannah and Annabelle Hershey are playful and sugar hungry, beginning to display different traits despite their shared genetics and heiresses to the black sheep side of the Hershey empire.
Tell Us About the Character: ... I just did. As they grow into adulthood they begin to plan their take over of Hershey, spurred on by stories of the injustices that the successful part of the Hershey family visited upon their less fortunate cousins.
When will they stop dressing alike? When they are teenagers Hannah will dress in plain, earthy outfits and occasionally dabble in goth/emo clothes (though not the lifestyle). Annabelle will wear preppy clothes with lots of pink and ice blue. After their teen years however they will open a cupcake bakery together and will be in uniforms or similarly cut business suits, matching again.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/462349.html
At this point I owe all of you 21 Leaps. My life has been very busy the past week or so but I have deliberately kept this week open so I can catch up on life in general. I have also set the goal to have the first chapter of one of my fanfics published on FanFiction.net by the end of the month. Anyone want to do some peer editing for me?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Leap 008 - Squashed picture
You find a squashed piece of paper in your lover's pocket: there's a picture of an angry gargoyle on it, drawn in green crayon.
It could just be a gift from an artistically-challenged nephew.
But it's really...
A note from a fellow spy (Gargoyle), letting him know that they need to meet (green) because he's in danger of being discovered (angry). To see the rest of the message you need to microwave it for precisely four minutes and eleven seconds (any longer than that and the message will explode, coating your microwave with radioactive slime and alerting the authorities).
Prompt from: http://itcouldjustbe.livejournal.com/3368.html
It could just be a gift from an artistically-challenged nephew.
But it's really...
A note from a fellow spy (Gargoyle), letting him know that they need to meet (green) because he's in danger of being discovered (angry). To see the rest of the message you need to microwave it for precisely four minutes and eleven seconds (any longer than that and the message will explode, coating your microwave with radioactive slime and alerting the authorities).
Prompt from: http://itcouldjustbe.livejournal.com/3368.html
Friday, July 29, 2011
Leap 007 - JoCo
I recently had a writers party, which is always fun! At one point everyone put a place, character, object and situation into a labeled bag then drew one of each and tried to make a story out of it. I got: on a plane, a comic book, escaping a burning outhouse, and JoCo the jovial homeless musician.
Joe Moneybags sighed as a boarded the plane. This was his seventh trip to visit the CEO in as many weeks and quite frankly he couldn't figure out why the man wouldn't interview his own janitorial applicants. As he sunk into his economy class seat he closed his bag lined eyes. His mind was beginning to wander when he noticed ... a smell. His nose twitched then began to threaten to jump off his face. Cracking open an eye, Joe cautiously looked to his right. The sight that met his eye caused the other to fly open. Sitting next to the window was the scruffiest man he had ever seen. The man's hair was sticking straight up, his face smudged with grey and brown. Despite his fearsome appearance and appalling smell however, he appeared to be quite calmly reading a comic book while cradling a guitar.
When Joe had recovered his power of speech he spoke cautiously.
His fellow flier smiled up. "Hello. The name's JoCo."
"Joe. Fly much?"
"Not really. Homeless actually. My most recent flying experience was being propelled out of an exploding outhouse. That is by far the most unique way anyone has ever asked me to leave."
Joe's eyes grew wide again as JoCo seemed to drift into memories. "Some people just don't know how to say 'Scoot', but oh well. That's what you get for being a musician."
Joe Moneybags sighed as a boarded the plane. This was his seventh trip to visit the CEO in as many weeks and quite frankly he couldn't figure out why the man wouldn't interview his own janitorial applicants. As he sunk into his economy class seat he closed his bag lined eyes. His mind was beginning to wander when he noticed ... a smell. His nose twitched then began to threaten to jump off his face. Cracking open an eye, Joe cautiously looked to his right. The sight that met his eye caused the other to fly open. Sitting next to the window was the scruffiest man he had ever seen. The man's hair was sticking straight up, his face smudged with grey and brown. Despite his fearsome appearance and appalling smell however, he appeared to be quite calmly reading a comic book while cradling a guitar.
When Joe had recovered his power of speech he spoke cautiously.
His fellow flier smiled up. "Hello. The name's JoCo."
"Joe. Fly much?"
"Not really. Homeless actually. My most recent flying experience was being propelled out of an exploding outhouse. That is by far the most unique way anyone has ever asked me to leave."
Joe's eyes grew wide again as JoCo seemed to drift into memories. "Some people just don't know how to say 'Scoot', but oh well. That's what you get for being a musician."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Leap 006 - Tag II
A friend and I are writing a story together, bit by bit, trading view points. It is set in a slightly AU 1800s Boston where both of our characters have been sent to Miss Marple's School for Girls which is currently have a joint beginning of the school year ball with Watson's School for Young Gentlemen. My character, Joanna Tempany Capall, has been at MMSFG for three years. Her character, Leemara Trogsworthy, just arrived, both after being unlady-like naturally. :)
I was trying to keep my mind on my table, honestly, but those at my roommate's table kept distracting me. Most of the girls in our dorm are sensible creatures but Leemara happened to get stuck with what appeared to be the most ninnyish of the half a dozen new girls at our school. Another first year who needed to learn that there was more to life than herself and boys. What joys. Dragging myself back to our table I smiled halfheartedly at the servant who replaced my steak plate with the next course. Staring back up at me was a red snapper on a bed of lettuce. As quickly as possible I speared a lettuce leaf and deposited it over
the fish's head. I love to eat fish but cannot stand to have them balefully reproaching me as I enjoy their muscles. Sounds indecent either way but food should not stare back.
I must have been making faces at the fish because several of my table mates were poorly hiding grins and giggles when I glanced up to offer a topic of conversation to the strangely silent table. I gave a sheepish grin as a light blush crept up my cheeks. "Does anyone have any exciting news?"
Various familial events were offered including two marriages, three births and several leaving for the West. Now this was interesting. Whole families leaving their homes, likely forever, for places they had never seen. The thought was frightening and thrilling at the same time. I had heard the whispered opinion that no truly decent upperclass family would undertake a move to such a shocking place. Decent people stayed home and let the middle and lower classes venture out. How quickly they forgot their own family's origins, somewhere across the ocean. Discussion of the western territories and the dangers likely to be encountered carried us through to dessert, a heavenly custard with freshly sliced strawberries and a drizzle of chocolate sauce. So much for the first year's waist line I thought wickedly.
I was trying to keep my mind on my table, honestly, but those at my roommate's table kept distracting me. Most of the girls in our dorm are sensible creatures but Leemara happened to get stuck with what appeared to be the most ninnyish of the half a dozen new girls at our school. Another first year who needed to learn that there was more to life than herself and boys. What joys. Dragging myself back to our table I smiled halfheartedly at the servant who replaced my steak plate with the next course. Staring back up at me was a red snapper on a bed of lettuce. As quickly as possible I speared a lettuce leaf and deposited it over
the fish's head. I love to eat fish but cannot stand to have them balefully reproaching me as I enjoy their muscles. Sounds indecent either way but food should not stare back.
I must have been making faces at the fish because several of my table mates were poorly hiding grins and giggles when I glanced up to offer a topic of conversation to the strangely silent table. I gave a sheepish grin as a light blush crept up my cheeks. "Does anyone have any exciting news?"
Various familial events were offered including two marriages, three births and several leaving for the West. Now this was interesting. Whole families leaving their homes, likely forever, for places they had never seen. The thought was frightening and thrilling at the same time. I had heard the whispered opinion that no truly decent upperclass family would undertake a move to such a shocking place. Decent people stayed home and let the middle and lower classes venture out. How quickly they forgot their own family's origins, somewhere across the ocean. Discussion of the western territories and the dangers likely to be encountered carried us through to dessert, a heavenly custard with freshly sliced strawberries and a drizzle of chocolate sauce. So much for the first year's waist line I thought wickedly.
I am so sorry about being behind, it's been a crazy couple of days that include an concert, getting rear-ended and a lovely massage. I owe you guys 4 Leaps.
Onward mush!
Onward mush!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Leap 005 - Acrostic
Red alert
Kind of a filler I know but also a teaser for the next 26 days. I am going to pretend I am writing a children's book about Star Trek.
Red alert
Kind of a filler I know but also a teaser for the next 26 days. I am going to pretend I am writing a children's book about Star Trek.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Leap 004 - Smiletome
Rayella glared at the screen. Her entire Smiletome page was covered in game requests, not a single personal message in sight. There was Croptown, Citytown (now wasn't that just a little redundant?), Wildwesttown, College Gurl, and the list went on. Some games she enjoyed, some she didn't fancy but all of them drove her nuts with their hijacking of Smiletome pages. She continued to glare as thoughts began to percolate. What if? What if people were forced to post a new status or personal message for every five game posts? The game world would come to a screeching halt and people would have time to do other things. The game owners wouldn't be happy but there were ways around that. She was no hacker but she knew some who were. And after all, hacking was better than kidnapping the CEOs and using some of Batman's favorite scare tactics on them. Right? Right. With a sharp toothed grin, Rae picked up the phone.
So, Rayella and I share a frustration, the amount of game posts on social networking sites. They are supposed to be places where you can keep in touch with your friends but anything personal you post is quickly drowned. I try to limit my game posts and requests and clean up any older than 18-24 hours. I wish others would practice the same restraint.
So, Rayella and I share a frustration, the amount of game posts on social networking sites. They are supposed to be places where you can keep in touch with your friends but anything personal you post is quickly drowned. I try to limit my game posts and requests and clean up any older than 18-24 hours. I wish others would practice the same restraint.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Leap 003 - Character Prompt
Name/Species: Jesana
What is s/he/it? Jesana and her kind are often called 'Fluffies' or 'Friendlies' though they prefer the term Companion or Muse. They are only visible to children and the VERY rare adult. Companions are another life form who enjoy the company of humans and help to develop the creativity of those whom they chose.
Is it from our world or another? Another. They travel the stars but like Earth.
How relevant is it to the plot? In my 2010 NaNoWriMo, Picadilly Lane, the decendants of Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes are able to see Friendlies after adolecence and even have one that has been 'passed down', so to speak, through the generations which is really how Sherlock knew many of the things he knew. :) Those in Picadilly will make contact with other Friendlies time to time to find out about child abuse cases or children they think will make good agents someday as is generally true about those who have a Companion as a child.
What is happening in this scene? Jesana is bidding farewell to her charge. The child has grown too old to see her clearly anymore so she is moving on though she will return should her former charge/playmate/companion have children of their own. She will visit with the Holmes' Companion before choosing her next child.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/462143.html
What is s/he/it? Jesana and her kind are often called 'Fluffies' or 'Friendlies' though they prefer the term Companion or Muse. They are only visible to children and the VERY rare adult. Companions are another life form who enjoy the company of humans and help to develop the creativity of those whom they chose.
Is it from our world or another? Another. They travel the stars but like Earth.
How relevant is it to the plot? In my 2010 NaNoWriMo, Picadilly Lane, the decendants of Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes are able to see Friendlies after adolecence and even have one that has been 'passed down', so to speak, through the generations which is really how Sherlock knew many of the things he knew. :) Those in Picadilly will make contact with other Friendlies time to time to find out about child abuse cases or children they think will make good agents someday as is generally true about those who have a Companion as a child.
What is happening in this scene? Jesana is bidding farewell to her charge. The child has grown too old to see her clearly anymore so she is moving on though she will return should her former charge/playmate/companion have children of their own. She will visit with the Holmes' Companion before choosing her next child.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/462143.html
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Leap 002 - Unexpected Showers
Unexpected Showers
Oh how it rained
That day in June
As the child played.
Streets stood deserted
Silent noon
Oh how it rained
Plans abandoned
For sweeping broom
As the child played
New flowers bloomed
On the drenched dune
Oh how it rained
Imagination expanded
Exploring the moon
As the child played
Family contented
Listens to mother croon
Oh how it rained
As the child played
I discovered villanelles in Creative Writing my sophomore year in high school and have loved them ever since. The rain prompted the one you see above.
Oh how it rained
That day in June
As the child played.
Streets stood deserted
Silent noon
Oh how it rained
Plans abandoned
For sweeping broom
As the child played
New flowers bloomed
On the drenched dune
Oh how it rained
Imagination expanded
Exploring the moon
As the child played
Family contented
Listens to mother croon
Oh how it rained
As the child played
I discovered villanelles in Creative Writing my sophomore year in high school and have loved them ever since. The rain prompted the one you see above.
Day 002,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Leap 001 - Place Prompt
What is this Place Called and Where is it?: The Turret at Sunnyview Inn. It's on the edge of a meadow and lake off the highway in Oregon.
Genre of Story: Murder mystery?
Describe the Place in Your Own Words: Sunnyview Inn is a quaint mom and pop kind of inn off the beaten path. Charming and homey, the architecture reminds one of a seaside cottage or grandma's house, complete with creaky stairs.
What Happens at this Place in the Story?: Our main character is looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of life and one of her friends recommends this place. This is her bedroom and, she discovers later, the scene of a crime.
What's a Day Like Here? Fairly calm usually. Tea on the porch at the rising of the mist, a good book with lunch, a walk after dinner to watch the wildlife. That is until our heroine discovers that a woman was murdered in her room twenty years ago and she sets out to discover the killer.
Who painted the room white? The owners, after the CSI's cleaned up all the blood. It used to be a lovely shade of pale yellow.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/460077.html
Genre of Story: Murder mystery?
Describe the Place in Your Own Words: Sunnyview Inn is a quaint mom and pop kind of inn off the beaten path. Charming and homey, the architecture reminds one of a seaside cottage or grandma's house, complete with creaky stairs.
What Happens at this Place in the Story?: Our main character is looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of life and one of her friends recommends this place. This is her bedroom and, she discovers later, the scene of a crime.
What's a Day Like Here? Fairly calm usually. Tea on the porch at the rising of the mist, a good book with lunch, a walk after dinner to watch the wildlife. That is until our heroine discovers that a woman was murdered in her room twenty years ago and she sets out to discover the killer.
Who painted the room white? The owners, after the CSI's cleaned up all the blood. It used to be a lovely shade of pale yellow.
Prompt from: http://characteraday.livejournal.com/460077.html
It has been my goal for some time to improve my writing by doing so every day but I've had a hard time keeping motivated. Hopefully sharing what I write with others will keep me going. :)
Recently ideas for this years NaNoWriMo struck me, as they tend to do in July/August. It's fascinating to watch the stories evolve and mutate from the first spark to the first words. This year it all began while watching Mail Order Bride, a Hallmark movie about a con-woman in the 1800s who takes her friend's place as a mail order bride to escape a crime lord who is after her. I decided I wanted to write a story set in the West but I knew that I wouldn't be able to stretch it for 50k words. Naturally therefore, someone must be daydreaming this life, or having flashbacks into family history or something like that. From that idea came a female cabbie in modern day NYC who has aspirations to be an author, which has now mutated into a female cabbie in NYC who likes to move around, dislikes cats, has two parrots named after fictional metals and discovers letters from an ancestor living in the 1800s, shortly before the cabbie witnesses a crime and has to be relocated to another city where she has to work at an aquarium. Welcome to my brain.
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