Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 22 - Packing for writers

August 22 - You're packing a suitcase

The first step to packing a suitcase is print off your packing list.  Then your pants and shirts go squarely in the upper left hand corner, held in place by the underwear and socks packed on the bottom left.  Any skirts or dresses get packed next, folded on top of the shirts if there's room, rolled up on top of the socks or folded flat in the right hand quadrants if there isn't.  Next, make sure you have jewelry for every outfit packed in the tackle box and store with any makeup  that is coming.  Next is shampoo, conditioned, soap, hair ties, comb, brush, and tooth washing implements.  Anything else gets to play jigsaw puzzle to fit in.  Except any nail polish.  That gets wrapped in the socks or shirts (with the outfit it matches if possible).  Then you zip the case and you're done.  Ta-da.

I realize this isn't creative but that's all I could think of.  :)  Now I've got a vision of Tony Stark walking into Pepper's room and leading off with a very confused "You're packing a suitcase.  Why are you packing a suitcase?  You have clothes at all of our houses.  Stop packing.  Where are you going?"

Day 22 - A Writer's Lifestyle

"Writers don't have lifestyles.  They just sit in little rooms and write."  - Norman Mailer
While the act of writing may not be the most exciting thing in the world, I'll grant you, I would object to the statement that we just sit in little rooms!  I can't think to write id that is the only place I go/am!  I must have green at some point.  Blue sky is nice too but honestly, this is Oregon.  I'm soaking it up now.
I can agree that writers don't have lifestyles though because we are each unique.  There is no set way for a writer to live and perform their passion.  On pages 150-151 of A Writer's Book of Days it lists fourty three authors and the various jobs they had while writing, including pasting labels on bottles of shoe polish (Charles Dickens), selling roach powder and playing the piano (E.B. White), selling tombstones and playing an organ in an insane asylum (Erich Maria Remarque), banking (T.S. Eliot), compiling encyclopedias and teaching chemistry (Isaac Asimov), and serving as a University Postmaster (William Faulkner).  The variety and eccentricity of jobs is mindboggling and fascinating.  Some where married, some weren't , and a variety of religions are represented.  Each writer has their own unique lifestyle and style of writing.
Don't pigeonhole us!

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