Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 8 - Everything Chirps

August 8 - Everything means something

I remember being so annoyed in high school when we read stories and the teacher asked us to find the symbolism in it.  I argued heartily that authors didn't put any in on purpose.  I was wrong.  I use names to symbolize things about the character or family.  I work in flowers from the Victorian language in one of my Rae stories.  But I won't do much beyond that.  It is too much thinking and like my stories to be easy on the brain.

I apologize Mrs. Croley and Mr. Beckley.  Profusely.  I was rude and stubborn and so sure of myself on the subject and refused to listen.  But I still hate To Kill a Mockingbird and The Scarlett Ibis.

Day 8 - The Voice That Chirps and Chips

"Just do the work.  Tell your story; it's important.  Have faith."

I liked this article too.  It talked about the inner critic we all have but that in authors is a little louder about both the stupidity and importance of our writing.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I remember getting frustrated with literary analysis! Symbols and metaphors in everything. Interesting that authors (at least you) actually slip these things in!
