Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Miss You So Much ♥

Picture Prompt Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

     As far as someone who is still living, I miss Bill Madison very, very much.  I always feel so safe and loved around him and his wife Tana.  A child knows when they are loved and I know deep down in my heart of hearts how much they care for me and my family.  They are my spiritual grandparents and I wish they still lived nearby.  I'd love to get to know them again now as an adult and have their guidance.

     As far as someone who is no longer alive, I miss Tom Mundlin more than words can say.  Both of my blood grandfathers died before I was born and I consider Tom my grandpa by choice.  He taught me to play chess (on a ridiculous Simpsons set) and gave me his Latin dictionary and magnet set when I told him I wanted to learn Latin (which I regret I never have).  He and his wife Gail were the first people to take me on a day trip without my family.  We went to the beach and I felt so grown up that we got to have breakfast at Camp 18.  I still have the little logging truck he bought me there that day.  I also have the wire people he made for me and the wire wrapped stone pendant he made and the little toothpick and thread girl he bought for me on one of his trips.  His was the only human death that has ever really affected me and I cannot wait to fold myself into his warm embrace after the resurrection.

     Excuse me now while I dry my eyes.

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