Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Day + 18 Facts About Me

Picture Prompt Day 25 - A picture of your day
     Today I worked on planning my NaNoWriMo, chatted with a friend I randomly ran into at the library, got the things I needed for dinner, then made dinner (Tuscan Bean and Sausage soup). 

Now I am going to unpack from our trip and clean my room so my sister can share with me while our grandmother is visiting.
  1. My favorite song depends on my mood.  I like Mordred’s Lullaby, Come Sail Away, In My Room, I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls, Scarborough Faire, Bring Him Home, Part of Your World, Starry, Starry Night, God Help the Outcast, My Immortal, Solla Sollew, Falcon in the Dive, A Victory Song, Chattanooga Choo Choo, Gunpowder and Lead, Bait a Hook, and Ode to Joy.  (Julie O) 
  2. I have never finished writing a long story.
  3. One of my favorite things to write with is a Sanford Design Ebony Jet Black Extra Smooth charcoal pencil. 
  4. I took art class in middle school and the only thing I really learned well is how to draw eyes.  Once our teacher had us sketch with our eyes closed to practice drawing without looking at the paper and my eye sketch was nearly perfect. 
  5. For years I didn’t think I was artistic in the traditional sense because my artwork was not realistic but I have recently realized that cartoon-ish work is just as beautiful and have enjoyed embracing my own style. 
  6. My reading choices as a youth consisted of mysteries (Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and ND/HB xovers), animal stories (Island Stallion, King of the Wind, Animal Ark, Dinotopia), and historical novels (Laura Ingalls, Dear America, American Girl, The Midwife’s Apprentice, Girl in a Cage).
  7.  The first book that made me cry was Black Gold by Margurite Henry.  I immediately gave the book to my sister to keep and while the book has found its way back to me, to this day I still have not re-read it.
  8. When I read, if I’m not careful, I completely block everything out.  I lose track of time, I have no idea what has happened while I was reading, and my fingers will suddenly be in pain from me chewing on them.
  9. As a child I would fall asleep chewing on the edge of my favorite blanket, singing to myself.  No wonder I have TMJ problems now.
  10. These days I fall asleep listening to an audio book, either one of the Cat Who books by Lillian Jackson Braun, narrated by George Guidall or one of the Mary Russell books by Laurie R. King, narrated by Jenny Sterlin.  ((At this very moment it is Justice Hall.))
  11. Or I fall asleep to the Return to Pooh Corner album by Kenny Loggins with “Lux Arumque” by Eric Whitacher, “Trial of Lancelot” and “Mordred’s Lullaby” by Heather Dale, “Flying” and “The Fairy Dance” from the live action Peter Pan soundtrack, and the main theme from Hunt for Red October.
  12. Have I mentioned that Hunt for Red October can put me to sleep?  One of my favorite movies and it knocks me out! 
  13. I have seen three movies in the theatre twice: Wreck-it Ralph, Les Miserables (2012), and Star Trek: Into Darkness.
  14. So I already mentioned, I liked chewing on things as a child, especially when falling asleep ... including the power cord to the lamp above my bed. If my parents hadn't discovered it when rearranging my room I would have chewed on the live wires and killed myself by accident.
  15.  I like cleaning my room to books on CD, especially Mossflower by Brian Jacques and Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson.
  16.  Music and audio books can trigger very vivid memories.  For example, I hadn’t listened to Mossflower for a while but the moment I heard the passage about the Kotir soldiers capturing Martin I was immediately transported from the road I was driving on, back to my room where I first heard the story, facing my highboy, looking out over it into the backyard, in the summer, and I could distinctly taste the fruit gummies I had been snacking on at the time, as mother had bought a big box and I was the only one who really liked them.
  17.  I am incapable of cleaning while looking normal.  I end up with my hair in funky/spikey buns, wearing clothes that don’t match at all (whatever I find while cleaning plus a skirt usually), whatever jewelry I come across, and my cleaning apron with bunches of pockets.
  18. When Somebody Loved Me from Toy Story 2 makes me feel guilty about getting rid of things.

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