Saturday, October 26, 2013

Most Played CD

Picture Prompt Day 34 - A picture of your currently most played CD

It's not music but it's technically on a CD!  Right now my fall asleep audio is Justice Hall by Laurie R. King.
     Great character dynamics and multiple mysteries/problems to solve!

Friday, October 25, 2013

My Childhood House

Picture Prompt Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in

     From left to right, me waving 'Hi' to the camera, my sister running around, and my mom seven and a half months pregnant with my brother.  The little (currently) unborn stink is the reason we had to move, leaving the only house I had ever lived in, the only school I had gone to my entire life, and almost all of my friends.  I wasn't bitter at all.  Nope.  Not at all.
     Funny fact, after we painted our house yellow with green trim (no, we're not sports/Ducks fans, it looked nice) the same color scheme popped up all over the neighborhood and spread all over the city.  I felt so ahead of the curve.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Crazy Night

Picture Prompt Day 32 - A picture of a crazy night

     I don't think Cat or Deanna would like it if I showed our other goofy pics so we'll settle on this one.  It's always interesting when the three of us get together.  ;)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Miss You So Much ♥

Picture Prompt Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

     As far as someone who is still living, I miss Bill Madison very, very much.  I always feel so safe and loved around him and his wife Tana.  A child knows when they are loved and I know deep down in my heart of hearts how much they care for me and my family.  They are my spiritual grandparents and I wish they still lived nearby.  I'd love to get to know them again now as an adult and have their guidance.

     As far as someone who is no longer alive, I miss Tom Mundlin more than words can say.  Both of my blood grandfathers died before I was born and I consider Tom my grandpa by choice.  He taught me to play chess (on a ridiculous Simpsons set) and gave me his Latin dictionary and magnet set when I told him I wanted to learn Latin (which I regret I never have).  He and his wife Gail were the first people to take me on a day trip without my family.  We went to the beach and I felt so grown up that we got to have breakfast at Camp 18.  I still have the little logging truck he bought me there that day.  I also have the wire people he made for me and the wire wrapped stone pendant he made and the little toothpick and thread girl he bought for me on one of his trips.  His was the only human death that has ever really affected me and I cannot wait to fold myself into his warm embrace after the resurrection.

     Excuse me now while I dry my eyes.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fuzzy butt

Picture Prompt Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

      What's not to like?  I find it adorable.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I'm Afeared!

Picture Prompt Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

     Spiders and being trapped, not necessarily in that order.  I've always said, I wouldn't be crazy until they put the straight jacket on me.  The thought of being physically restrained like that makes my skin crawl.  I've also discovered this starting to affect me on road trips, if I'm tired I have to stop the car and get out every so often because I start to feel panicky.  The sensation of the car seat against my back and lack of room between my knees and the seat in front of me is what sets me off.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Me and the Siblings

Picture Prompt Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

      On the left, myself and my sister when we were younger.  I wish it still snowed like it used to.  Those are whole apples as eyes, a carrot for the nose, and pistachios for the mouth.  On the right is myself and my brother, when he was still smaller than I was.  Now he's a behemoth with several inches on me.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A lot of Meaning

Picture Prompt Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

      My friend Caitlin drew me as a Sugar Rush character!  Meet Layla Mallow.  My skirt is made of marshmallows, I have mini fruit marshmallows in my hair, a peppermint stripe at the end of my ponytail, a peppermint necklace, marshmallow boots, and hot chocolate coat.  NOM!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Day + 18 Facts About Me

Picture Prompt Day 25 - A picture of your day
     Today I worked on planning my NaNoWriMo, chatted with a friend I randomly ran into at the library, got the things I needed for dinner, then made dinner (Tuscan Bean and Sausage soup). 

Now I am going to unpack from our trip and clean my room so my sister can share with me while our grandmother is visiting.
  1. My favorite song depends on my mood.  I like Mordred’s Lullaby, Come Sail Away, In My Room, I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls, Scarborough Faire, Bring Him Home, Part of Your World, Starry, Starry Night, God Help the Outcast, My Immortal, Solla Sollew, Falcon in the Dive, A Victory Song, Chattanooga Choo Choo, Gunpowder and Lead, Bait a Hook, and Ode to Joy.  (Julie O) 
  2. I have never finished writing a long story.
  3. One of my favorite things to write with is a Sanford Design Ebony Jet Black Extra Smooth charcoal pencil. 
  4. I took art class in middle school and the only thing I really learned well is how to draw eyes.  Once our teacher had us sketch with our eyes closed to practice drawing without looking at the paper and my eye sketch was nearly perfect. 
  5. For years I didn’t think I was artistic in the traditional sense because my artwork was not realistic but I have recently realized that cartoon-ish work is just as beautiful and have enjoyed embracing my own style. 
  6. My reading choices as a youth consisted of mysteries (Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and ND/HB xovers), animal stories (Island Stallion, King of the Wind, Animal Ark, Dinotopia), and historical novels (Laura Ingalls, Dear America, American Girl, The Midwife’s Apprentice, Girl in a Cage).
  7.  The first book that made me cry was Black Gold by Margurite Henry.  I immediately gave the book to my sister to keep and while the book has found its way back to me, to this day I still have not re-read it.
  8. When I read, if I’m not careful, I completely block everything out.  I lose track of time, I have no idea what has happened while I was reading, and my fingers will suddenly be in pain from me chewing on them.
  9. As a child I would fall asleep chewing on the edge of my favorite blanket, singing to myself.  No wonder I have TMJ problems now.
  10. These days I fall asleep listening to an audio book, either one of the Cat Who books by Lillian Jackson Braun, narrated by George Guidall or one of the Mary Russell books by Laurie R. King, narrated by Jenny Sterlin.  ((At this very moment it is Justice Hall.))
  11. Or I fall asleep to the Return to Pooh Corner album by Kenny Loggins with “Lux Arumque” by Eric Whitacher, “Trial of Lancelot” and “Mordred’s Lullaby” by Heather Dale, “Flying” and “The Fairy Dance” from the live action Peter Pan soundtrack, and the main theme from Hunt for Red October.
  12. Have I mentioned that Hunt for Red October can put me to sleep?  One of my favorite movies and it knocks me out! 
  13. I have seen three movies in the theatre twice: Wreck-it Ralph, Les Miserables (2012), and Star Trek: Into Darkness.
  14. So I already mentioned, I liked chewing on things as a child, especially when falling asleep ... including the power cord to the lamp above my bed. If my parents hadn't discovered it when rearranging my room I would have chewed on the live wires and killed myself by accident.
  15.  I like cleaning my room to books on CD, especially Mossflower by Brian Jacques and Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson.
  16.  Music and audio books can trigger very vivid memories.  For example, I hadn’t listened to Mossflower for a while but the moment I heard the passage about the Kotir soldiers capturing Martin I was immediately transported from the road I was driving on, back to my room where I first heard the story, facing my highboy, looking out over it into the backyard, in the summer, and I could distinctly taste the fruit gummies I had been snacking on at the time, as mother had bought a big box and I was the only one who really liked them.
  17.  I am incapable of cleaning while looking normal.  I end up with my hair in funky/spikey buns, wearing clothes that don’t match at all (whatever I find while cleaning plus a skirt usually), whatever jewelry I come across, and my cleaning apron with bunches of pockets.
  18. When Somebody Loved Me from Toy Story 2 makes me feel guilty about getting rid of things.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Change the World

Picture Prompt Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

     The unhappiness in the world. People who speak the same dialect but don’t speak the same 'language'. ie When two people are saying the same thing but don't know they're saying the same thing and they start to get frustrated.  Can we just get a universal translator or something?
     Also, people who are purposely annoying or mean.  I'm gonna beat trolls with a frying pan.  Srsly.  (Just wait until my anti-teasing/prank rant on Day 50)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Favorite Book?

Picture Prompt Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King -  An awesome origin story and I just realized that I tried to turn my '08 NaNoWriMo into something similar. Wow.  I love all of the Mary Russell books (except maybe A Monstrous Regiment of Women 'cause it deals with uncomfortable interrelationship stuff, though it's my favorite ending).  For those that haven't seen any of the books, young Mary Russell, a modern (for 1915) genius with a passion for theology who just lost her entire family, meets middle aged Sherlock Holmes, Victorian gentleman, mostly retired consulting detective, and apiculture enthusiast.  The two immediately hit it off intellectually and become fast friends.  Holmes begins training Mary, without her knowledge, in the art of detection, which culminates in a chilling and thrilling case at the end.  In many ways the book is a series of short stories that illustrate the development of Mary's personality and the Russell/Holmes partnership.

Dinotopia Lost by Alan Dean Foster - I love dinosaurs and the idea of them living in peace with humans, which is part of why I love the whole Dinotopia series (the writing is also superb).  This is one of the two books for 'adults' and has pirates, dinosaurs, hostages, primitive hot air balloons, and a once in a generation storm.  In middle school I made a board game based on the book.

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson -  My go to audiobook while cleaning my room.  It's for teens but there are some great plot twists.

Imitate Their Faith by Jehovah's Witnesses -  I was so happy to get this book this summer!  I love the in depth look at the Biblical people, including Esther and Ruth.  I also enjoy the look at Mary and Joseph.  They are so mythical and glossed over to many.  It's nice to see them humanized.

In the Belly of the Bloodhound by L.A. Meyer -  While I love all of the Bloody Jack series, Jacky is able to take control in a bad situation, in her female form rather than disguised as a man.

The Iron Marshall by Louis L'Amour -   I don't know why I like the book so much, but I keep returning to it.  I like most of Louis L'Amour's books and they are a must-read on camping trips.  I especially like the Sackett saga, one book of which, Ride the River, features the adorable Echo Sackett, one of Louis's few female MCs.

Ophelia by Lisa KleinHamlet is by far my favorite play by Shakespeare and I always found Opheila to be a very interesting character.  How much was she faking?  When did it become real insanity?  Did it really?  This is Hamlet from her perspective and behind the scenes.

Q in Law by Peter David -  Absolutely hilarious.  Anything by Peter David is gold but this book has Q and Lwaxana Troi on the Enterprise at the same time.  Poor Picard.

Currently (re)reading The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  In the past week I've reread The Little House in the Big Woods, The Little House in the Prairie, and On the Banks of Plum Creek.  I'm currently rereading By the Shores of Silver Lake.  Not sure why I skipped Farmer Boy.  *shrug*

Monday, October 14, 2013

Room for Improvement

Picture Prompt Day 22 - Something you wish you were better at

Come to the edge Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge Life said.
They came. It pushed them . . .
And they flew.
- Guillaume Apollinaire

      Jumping out of my comfort zone, taking that next step without having the five beyond it mapped out.  This has gotten worse since I graduated from high school.

Steps image from

Sunday, October 13, 2013

To Forget, What Bliss

Picture Prompt Day 21 - Something you wish you could forget

     When I think of all the missteps I've made when interacting with others, it's sad that I can't narrow this down to one event.  There is so much that I regret and so often I will wander around with the nagging feeling I've done something wrong, that there is something I should be ashamed of, even when I am sure I've made no huge social blunder that day.  I was happy to see danisnotonfire's video, Cringe Attack, the other day, where he talks about his own experiences of randomly reliving horrific mistakes he's made and the cringes and faces he makes when reliving the events.
     One instance that still bothers me and is on my "I would go back in time to change this and therefore my life" list happened in early eighth grade.  I had seen someone I admired with a pencil stuck in their ponytail or bun, so that became my go to hairstyle (and it was vary handy, I always had something to jot down ideas and homework lists with).  My middle school was shaped like an 'H' with another crossbar at the bottom for the counseling center, front office, and lockers.  The main crossbar on the 'H' was also full of lockers and where the 'cool kids' hung out between classes, making it extremely difficult to navigate so I avoided it almost all the time, except for this one day.  
     For a reason I can't remember I broke pattern and headed down the short but packed hallway, dodging all sorts of people, pencil tucked firmly in my ponytail, when all of a sudden I felt the pencil pulled out.  I whirled around and saw one of the most popular boys (and he was one of the handsome ones and boy did I have a crush on him at the time) holding my pencil.  I wish so bad I could have changed my facial expression because the annoyance I felt came across as something sinister and he immediately gave my pencil back with profuse apologies.  He meant it in jest and the instant I turned around I knew any possibility of being his friend was gone and I regretted it.  If it was any of the other popular people I would have been happy for the fear, I wanted nothing to do with their shallowness, but he had been kind to me and talked to me in some of our other classes and had an awareness of others that the other kids lacked.  If I had laughed or smiled as I turned around, instead of resorting to anger, I think I would have made more friends, been more accepted, learned to feel more comfortable when interacting with others, opened me up to a whole new circle of school friends, and changed my life completely.
     This is one of the key moments I will find attacking me with a cringe on a regular basis.  I can still feel the slide of the smooth pencil against my scalp, the press of other students against my back, the instant stab of regret and shame, the awkward smile I offered in vain.  Why is anger my default?  Why do I feel the need to constantly defend myself?  I guess that's what therapists are for.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

To Travel, To Travel

Picture Prompt Day 20 - Somewhere you'd love to travel

     I'd love to wander the moors of Ireland.  Yes, I realize it's wet and grey most of the time but so is the state I grew up in.  I want to spend a year working on a traditional Irish farm.  I know it would be back-breaking and I would be miserable for the first several months but it would be so good for me.
     I'd also like to go back to Yellowstone.  We used to go as a family every two or three years.  Now it's been nearly six and I crave it the one might crave a favorite food.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Likkle me ♥

Picture Prompt Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little

     I was adorable.  And that is that.  And I have always liked putting things on my head (in this case, it's a clean margarine tub).

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Picture Prompt Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Physical insecurity - My smile by far, or at least that massive amount of gums I have (and the huge front teeth I had until stress and the Kafer habit of grinding our teeth wore them down).  I may admire horses and their freedom but I have no desire to look like one.

Emotional insecurity - Talking to people without a purpose (invite them to an event, arrange an appointment, compliment them for something, get information from them, etc).  I think too much.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Impact exposed

Picture Prompt Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

     The new Bible, duh!  For those of you who are not Jehovah's Witnesses or couldn't make it to the annual meeting and are living under a rock, this past weekend a new English version of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released.  While it was already in readable English (instead of Olde English) certain verbiage has been updated (it's in "21st century English" to quote one brother).  My favorite example was 1 Samuel 14:11: "the two of them exposed themselves" became "then both of them revealed their presence".  I keep giggling.  Also, 'alien' becomes 'foreigner'.  No, Abraham did not become a LGM and the Isrealites were not surrounded by extraterrestrial visitors.  Bwahahahaha!  And so on.  And all those double negatives?  Poof!  Yes, reading level has changed.  It saddens me.
     Also, can we take a moment and ponder the amazing amount of work it took to broadcast the meeting to 1830 locations to reach an estimated nine and a half million people?  And it went off with barely a hitch (once the bugs were worked out on Saturday morning).  And everyone got surprised with Bibles.  Good job keeping things confidential Saturday and Sunday morning people!  I heard nary a peep.  I am duly impressed.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I don't wanna die!

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

     Someday I will go to San Diego Comicon (or any 'con with a Star Trek star) in an amazing costume.  Not sure what yet, but I do have plans for an awesome Vulcan costume in my head.  Now if only I could stay in character ...
     On a spiritual note, I'd like to be a COs wife, but honestly, at this point in my life that is more fairytale, pie in the sky-ish than going to Comicon in an impeccable Vulcan costume.

Don't Die Sis!

Picture Prompt Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

     This blog is turning into a love letter to my sister, lol! 
     We had friends over for a turkey dinner on Saturday, the AMAZING annual meeting on Sunday, and Monday kinda got away from me so I'm catching up today (Tuesday).

Friday, October 4, 2013

Blind Justice

Picture Prompt Day 11 - Something you hate

How Blind is Justice. by FreyjaSig

     I've never been fond of or terribly comfortable with the idea of justice being 'blind'.  I understand the concept and intent, that justice would be fair to all, despite appearances, income, family name, or and perceived advantage or disadvantage.  Rather than being blind, I'd rather justice be wide eyed and all seeing.  When making rulings, there should be reasonableness and flexibility in sentencing to fit each individual and "the thoughts and intentions of the heart".  It pains me to see unreasonableness and intractability in the name of justice.

     And speaking of unreasonableness and intractability, people who will not make reasonable compromises  drive me up the wall.  I can completely understand not compromising for religious or moral reasons, for the safety of your family or your personal health.  Don't compromise there.  And I understand that there are some things each person feels strongly about, but when one or both sides refuse to even listen to one another or simply rejects everything on principle (HE suggested it therefore it must be terrible), there is a problem.  
     In high school I worked for several years in our peer lead mediation program.  It was always very satisfying when the two sides were able to come to a compromise or work out a solution together.  Unfortunately, not everyone did, but at least they could agree to disagree, worked out a way to avoid one another, and the matter was closed.  I find it interesting and frustrating that adults are harder to mediate than hormonal teenagers.  Those who should be more reasonable and humble and able to think beyond their emotions are more stiff-necked and hard-hearted and stuck in their ways.  No wonder the world is in the mess it is today.

How Blind is Justice. by FreyjaSig at deviantART.  My views are my own and not necessarily endorsed by the artist.  Just sayin'.
Rhett and Link screengrab from Episode 297 of Good Mythical Morning

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Love It

Picture Prompt Day 12 - Something you love

     Yes, I am swapping the two days, don't worry.  I was getting permission from an artist to use their artwork for tomorrows post.
     I made this piece of artwork many years ago in Paint and would like to remake it with manipulated images someday, but it encapsulates pretty well my primary loves: cats, space, and Star Trek.  I love them so much that I'm not sure what to say about them.  Isn't funny that when you feel more strongly about something words fall away because mere language cannot convey the breadth and depth of the subject?
     I'm not sure when cats surpassed horses as my favorite animals, but looking back it was probably around the time I transitioned from my wild and headstrong childhood into my quietly independent adolescence and adulthood.  Also looking back, they've always been an unacknowledged second favorite, starting with my love of Duchess and Marie in Aristocats and blossoming with the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
     Star Trek is a very important part of my childhood and I consider it such a key part of my make up that I forget to include the movies in my favorites lists, the same as the Disney movies.  Sunday in our house was Hawaiian pizza night, with a big bottle of root beer, and either a Star Trek movie or AFV.  Star Trek is a world where most of the known universes inhabitants have learned to get along and work together to explore the vast and beautiful expanses that lie on our horizons.  They don't fight until they have been attacked first (though naturally they take precautions) and try to use their words to solve the conflict.  It is also much more science oriented than the floofy Force dominated Star Wars universe, which appeals to my logic oriented mind.
     In high school one year, in a social studies class, we were asked to present our favorite artist from a certain era and I chose to feature the receiving station in Australia that collected many of the images of space from the various satellites traversing space.  (It was the Arts Academy, we are free thinkers and I figured I could get away with it.)  The galaxies, gas clouds, stars, and constellations are far more beautiful and thought provoking than any painting by human or beast.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We're Messed Up Man

Picture Prompt Day 10 - The person you do the most messed up things with

     This should be self explanatory.  They have plastic cake decoration foliage in their mouths.  They are goofs and I love them and they make me laugh so hard I have to use my inhaler.  Two live an hour away now, thankfully the other lives a flight of stairs away.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Rock

Picture Prompt Day 9 - The person who has gotten you through the most

     My Popcicle has gotten me through adolescence, adjusting to two siblings, illnesses, fights with my mother, math and physics classes, strep throat, learning to drive, spiders in my room, countless sprained ankles, the death of pets I loved as family, and every other scary moment in my life.  He has always been there for me and my mother and my siblings and I am eternally grateful, more than words can say.